After Party Gayness

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Previously On I'll sing for you

"Because I felt like it, and Error, Nightmare- don't look at me like that-, Cross, Sci, Fell, Geno, Reaper, Killer, Classic Potato Chips, uuuhhhh and Frisk from the original timeline."

Don't want to interrupt the Gay

Reaper pondered his options, knowing that Geno and him got asked if they were a couple, and the shock that Geno was in, and how they were acting during the party.

"Truth, I know, so out of character, just get on with it."

To be continued..... I was tired don't yell at me!

(New feature in this book that hasn't been updated in a while--)

"Why is this game being so lame?" Error Mumbled to himself.

"Is that the question cause I can give you the facts--"

"Reaper. Don't. Anyways what's up with you and my brother?"

Reaper cursed under his breath. "Something happened that's my answer. I'm not going any further than that."

Geno was glaring at Error, burying into his scarf a bit. Error mouthed a sorry before the game continued.

Then someone joked about (THE GAY--) spin the bottle then bam it appeared cause Ink had a empty beer bottle? The fu--

"Seven Minutes, Truth or Dare, or Normal version?" Ink asked.

"Normal!" Everyone said in unison... except X!Chara. They said 'Seven Minutes' but only Cross heard him and wanted to yell at him.

Ink nodded, "Alright I'll spin the bottle to see who's first."

It was Reaper. His luck is the best Isn't it?

It Landed on Geno. "HOW THE FUCK--"


"Sorry Ink. And I certainly Rufuse this shhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrtt." Reaper yelled.

"I'll accept the Shirt bit, but you have to kiss Geno. Rules are Rules." Ink said.

"And Rules were meant to be Broken!"

As the two argued Geno sunk into his scarf cursed under his breath, leaned up and kissed Reaper on the cheekbone. "Shut up." His hoarse voice barely whispered.

Ink coughed. "Well it's your turn Geno."

Geno spun the bottle and it landed on Error. "EWWW!" Both of them yelled in unison. Geno instantly regretted that and ended up into a coughing fit. Reaper instantly started helping him.

Ink sat there for a second. "Okay okay, the Rule will be skipped for this s round--" Dream whispered something into Ink's 'ear', "-Shut up- Uh so Error just spin the bottle."

"Alright." Error spun the bottle, of course it landed on Ink.


"You stuttered on a stutter. How do you even?" Dream questioned.

"S-shut up. I can-" Ink got caught off by Error kissing him. Dream and Nightmare worked together for once and held them together to make the kiss last longer. At around 10 seconds they both let go.

"I-I h-ate you a-all." Error stated, with his obvious stutter, as he sat back down.

"A-Alrighty the-n I'm j-just go-nna do t-th-this." Ink said spinning the bottle. It landed on Dream.

Ink composed and then broke down laughing. "OH MY GOD--"

"I REMEMBER THAT NIGHT OH JESUS!" They were both on the floor, laughing so hard they started crying.

They Casually kissed then doubled over laughing again. Once they calmed down Dream spun the bottle wiping tears out of his eyes.

"Oh. Oh. Oh shit." Error said.



"Anyways Rules are rules right?" Dream looked up at Cross.

X!Tale Chara casually whispered to Cross, "Oh it's your mistress." Man he is a prick.

When they kissed Ink and Error held them together. "REVENGE" They Yelled.

Oh They're gonna get it Cross thought to himself.

(More too be continued because my phone is at 7% and it's 5 AM almost 6--)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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