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Evan's POV
"I'm going to school mom bye!" I yelled closing the door not even bother to wait for a response. I knocked on Jon's door and waited. He opened it, he looked half asleep. His under eyes covered by giant eye bags. He looked so cute, like a kitten. His adorable dark blue eyes focused on my brown ones. He groaned as he closed the door and started walking down his ramp.
"Someone obviously didn't get enough sleep" I said smiling at him. He rolled his eyes and groaned. "Were you up all night?" I asked as we got to the bottom of the ramp and went to Tyler's. "I had to beat a mission for gta". I rolled my eyes and laughed. Tyler and a boy who looked kind of like Tyler came out of his house. "Oh, Evan this is my twin brother Bryce" Tyler said. I shook his hand, he was a lot thinner than Tyler. I pointed at Craig's house, "shouldn't we get Craig?" I asked.
"Nope" Tyler said. "Why not?" I asked stopping. "His dad's crazy" Bryce said.
"Yeah, he yelled at me on his porch for walking to slow on the sidewalk" Jon said laughing. I smiled, his laugh was music to my ears.
"We'll see him at school, he never misses" Tyler said, I nodded and continued walking. We got to school and met up with Marcel and this boy named Ryan. I was happy I was making a lot of cool friends. Lunch time rolled around and I sat between Jon and Marcel.
"Yo, that girl in science was so hot" Tyler said laughing as he took a bite out of his sandwich. "Yeah" Jon said drinking his juice box. It kind of broke my heart a little when he agreed, but I ignored it. "Evan what's wrong" Tyler asked.
"Nothing" I said looking down at my sandwich and taking a bite. Marcel grinned and raised his eyebrows at me. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. He rolled his eyes and carried on with his conversation with Ryan and Bryce.
"Dude, her tits were huge bro!" Tyler said laughing, Jon nodded and laughed.
"I'm going to use the bathroom" I said abruptly. Everyone at the table stared at me as I got up and walked away. As I was walking to the bathroom I bumped into someone, a girl. She had short blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Oh-I'm so so sorry" she laughed.
"No I am, I wasn't paying attention" I said helping her up. "I'm grace"
"Evan" I said shaking her hand.
"Well I hope I'll see you around Evan" she smiled. She was cute, "yeah maybe" I laughed. God why am I so awkward! She giggled and handed me a paper. "Here's my number, text me" she said smiling. "I will" I said, and with that she walked away.
*after school*
I headed to hockey practice. I was texting Grace and I asked her out on a date. She responded with, "great! I can't wait". I sat down in the locker room and put on my equipment. "Someone looks happy" Marcel said putting his skates on. "Yeah, I just got a date" I said smiling. "Oh really? Who?"
"Her names Grace" I said looking at him. He was frozen. "You okay dude"
"Grace Paul?" He asked. "Yeah" I said laughed. "Dude that's Ryan's sister"
"As in the Ryan you're living with?" I asked.
"Yeah, dude he'll kill you if he sees you talking to his sister"
"He has the worst mood swings ever"
"Shit" I muttered. "Hey, could I tell you something?" He asked.
"I've had a crush on Grace ever since I moved in with them" he said.
"Oh-I understand bro. I wont steal your crush dude. I'll just go on the date so I don't break her heart and just not talk to her"
"Thanks man" he said bro hugging me.
"Hey, could I tell you-"
"You're gay" He said interrupting me.
"How'd you know what-"
"I've seen the way you look at Jon like he's the only thing in the world that matters to you the most. And the way you get pissed when he talks about other girls. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone" he said smiling.
"Thanks Marcel" I said putting my helmet on. Ryan walked in with Tyler. "Sup fags" Tyler laughed. "Hey Tyler, see you on the ice" Marcel said picking his stick up as we went out on the ice.
Craig's POV
I slowly opened my eyes. I must've fallen asleep in the bath. I slowly got up immediately felling a strain in my lower back and a crick in my neck. I dried off and ran into my room, with my towel, and changed. "Shit" I whispered. I missed school. Tyler must be worried sick about me. Tyler and I have been best friends since kindergarten and he's a little over protective. I grabbed a couple beers, opened my window, and climbed out onto my roof. I dangled my feet off as I took a swing of it. It stung my throat, but I chugged half of it. I saw Evan, Ryan, Marcel, and Tyler walking home from hockey practice. I knew because Marcel had his stick out and was hitting rocks to Ryan. Everyone went home besides Tyler. He walked over to my house and was preparing to knock on the door when I chugged the rest and dropped it near him on purpose. He jumped and flew back looking up at me. He then grabbed the ladder at the side of my house and climbed to the roof. "It's a little early to be drinking don't you think?" He said sitting next to me. "Eh" I said opening another one. Tyler took mine out of my hands and took a sip. "How's your parents?" He asked.
"The usual. Yours?"
"Still gay" he said laughing and taking another sip. "You know Tyler, I know you don't want to hear this especially from me, but you need to except your dad for who he is alright. You can't just hate your dad because he loves someone that isn't a woman" I said taking my beer back. "Whatever, I'm not gonna sit here and listen to a kid who's own parents don't even give two shits about him" he said. "Fuck you" I said standing up. "No you know what? Fuck you! I'm so sick of people telling me how I should treat my parents when they don't have any or there's are just as fucked up as mine!" He yelled. "Shut up!" I yelled as tears threatened my eyes. "No, you know, I'm sorry that your parents fucked up your life, but that doesn't mean you can critique how I treat my parents when you're to scared to even look at yours!".
I whipped my beer at the roof and shoved him. He then punched me across my face. I fell on the roof and clutched my cheek. I didn't know I was crying until I felt a hot tear hit my hand.
"Craig, I'm so sorry I-"
"Go away" I sniffled.
"Craig, please-"
"GO AWAY!" I screamed. He backed up towards the ladder. I watched him walk down, then climbed back in my window. I immediately shoved my face into my pillow and started uncontrollably sobbing. The one person I trusted, who I put before everyone else just hit me. I locked my window and door and slowly cried myself to sleep.

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