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5 months later
Marcel's POV
It was after hockey practice and the guys and I  were at the lockers. Hockey season was coming to an end and I was pretty bummed about it. I swiped a sweaty curl out of my face after I took off my shoulder pads. Evan and Brian talked on the side while I shoved my shit in my small locker and took off my sweaty under armor shirt. I sat down and started taking my skates off. "Hey baby" a voice cooed. I looked up and saw Grace walk up to Kyle and kiss him. I rolled my eyes and took my converse out of my locker. "You okay Michaels?" Kyle smirked.
"Fuck off" I said. "Watch your vocabulary around me". I huffed and closed my locker and locked it. "Let's go guys" I said. We all left.
"Urghhh! I can't stand them!" I complained while we walked home. "That sucks dude, I'm going to Tyler's wanna come with?" Brian asked. I shrugged and we went to Tyler's. As we walked I looked at Brian. Brian had black hair and dark green eyes. He had an Irish accent and was kinda short for our age. His hair was kinda long only really covering his forehead and swooped to the left. He also had a tick of blinking his eyes, it was odd at first but you learn to get used to things like that.
"Hey man, don't let Grace get in your head and all. She's a hoe" he said knocking on Tyler's door. "Eh" I sighed and shrugged.
"She's with Kyle, but she's hooking up with Jace and Tommy" he said. Brian is into all the school gossip. You want to know something, you go to Brian. Tyler opened the door with a big smile on his face. "Hey guys" he said. He let us in and we saw huge Hailey on the couch doing homework. Ever since four months ago, Hailey's stomach grew to the sized of a watermelon. She looked exhausted. "Hey Hails" I smiled. She looked at me and sadly smiled.
"You look exhausted" Brian said.
"I am" she groaned trying to get comfortable.
Tyler looked perfectly fine. Tyler was pretty tall, around 6 ft or 5'9. He had crystal blue eyes, but he had his small framed glasses on today. He had a normal crew cut and dirty blonde hair with freckles across his nose and under eyes, he's also kinda chubby.
"What's up guys" he smiled.
"Nothing much, just Grace shiz. How bout' you?" I asked. "We're meeting with a gay couple that wants to adopt the kid" he said.
"That's awesome" Brian smiled.
"Yeah, I guess" Tyler sighed.
"What's up?" I asked as he sat down on the big chair next to the couch we were on.
"I just wish Craig was here to help me out, I mean you guys are great, but-"
"I understand, you guys have been friends for years, way longer than you knew any of us" I smiled. "Yeah, I miss him" he sighed.
"Why don't you visit him?" Brian asked.
"I've been so busy with the baby and everything going on at school. It's all to much" he sighed. We nodded. Bryce then walked downstairs. Bryce looked the same as Tyler, but not chubby and a couple more moles and freckles. Bryce has gained a lot of weight in the past 4 months, in a good way. I'm happy for the guy, over coming his health threat. He also got dark blue braces a month ago that covered his crooked teeth. Bryce's hair was a little longer than Tyler's and blonder. His hair often covered his crystal blue eyes and he'd blow his bangs out of his face and to the side.
"Going to David's" he said grabbing his hoodie and leaving. I only talked to Bryce about 10 times in my life. He was a very introverted guy, only talking to Tyler and David.
"We missed you at practice today" Brian said.
"Oh yeah? Sorry, we got an ultrasound today" Tyler said reading the mail.
"Cool, y'all got pictures?" I asked.
"Yeah, here" Hailey said showing us her phone. There was a small baby in black and white.
"Boy or girl?" Brian asked.
"Boy" she smiled.
"Awesome" I said smiling at the picture.
"Hey Hailey, I have the answers to that if you want them" Brian said.
"Brian, you truly are a blessing" she smiled.
Bryce's POV
I was at the park with David. I was sitting on a swing, on my phone. David was on the phone with his boyfriend on top of the monkey bars. David and I were polar opposites which made us such great friends. I was Snapchatting friends with my hood up and alone. While he was light a bright beam of light. He was wearing a yellow striped long sleeve tucked into some light blue boyfriend jeans. I mean I'm not gay, but David is one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. His hair was a puffy, curly, black cloud on his head. He had freckles across his nose and under his eyes. He had big pink lips and hazel brown eyes. He jumped down and walked up to me.
"Whatcha' doing?" He asked.
"That's boring"
"Why'd you invite me to the park if you were just gunna talk to your boyfriend the whole time?" I snapped.
"Damn, why're you always so grumpy"
"M' not"
"You know what you need, a nice man in your life" he said sitting in the swing next to me.
"I'm not gay" I said rolling my eyes.
"What happened to Luke?"
"What do ya' mean? Luke and I were never a thing"
"Oh please, don't pull that tough act on me. You used to be so-so-"
"Weak? Fragile? Submissive? I'm a new person now David".
"I know, I know, and I'm happy for you that you over came that", he said smiling at me.
God damn it. Fuck him and his perfect, straight, white teeth. I smiled back with my brace covered teeth.
"Fuck you" I said looking at my feet. He laughed and sat up.
"How's Tyler and them?"
"Tyler's going mad, I swear he's a 40 year old man now" I chuckled.
"How's Caleb?" I asked.
"He's okay, his parents are getting divorced so it's kinda' hard for him"
"That sucks"
"Yeah". We then sat in a peaceful silence on the swings.

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