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Jon's POV
I was at school. Evan would be coming back home today so I was really excited to hangout with him because classes were really boring. I was on my way to lunch when out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Will but it was really a kid that kinda looks like him. I normally sat next to Evan and Craig, but I sat between Marcel and Tyler. We talked about Tyler's hand, Evan, tests. "Hey Jon, could I uh talk to you for a second?" Ryan asked. "Uh yeah, let's uh go in the hall" I said standing up and walking with him. "Yeah?" I asked when we made it in the hall. "Are you and Evan like a thing?" He asked. "No", I wish.
"Oh okay because I wanted to tell you that I really like you and I wanted to see if you wanted to see a movie and grab dinner tomorrow?"
"It's fine you don't have to say yes", he was trying to guilt me now.
"No, I'll go. It sounds fun" I said smiling.
"Great so I'll pick you up at 8?"
"Yeah" I smiled. "Great, I'll see you tomorrow"
"Yup" I said as we both walked into the lunch room again. Marcel and Craig gave me a confused look and I just shrugged. The bell rang and we threw our stuff out.
"What was that about?" Marcel and Craig asked at the same time.
"Chill damn" I laughed.
"He asked me out on a date"
"Ooo Jon's getting some" Craig and I laughed.
"When's the date?" Marcel asked.
"Tomorrow" I said proudly.
"Cool" Craig said.
Marcel's POV
I hopped on my board and skated down the street. Ryan skated next to me. I love Ryan like he's my own brother, but Evan has a huge crush on Jon. "Yo, imma go visit Evan!" I yelled to Ryan. He gave a thumbs up and did a kick flip. I made my way to Evan's door and took my helmet off. I knocked and put the board on the porch. Some lady answered and waited for me to talk. "Uh-hi I'm Marcel, Evan's friend, and I just wanted to see how he's doing"
"Oh that's great, he's been so bored all day, I'm his aunt" she said shaking my hand and let me in. I ran upstairs and saw Evan on his phone, like always. "Hey dude" I said.
"Hey" he said smiling big and putting his phone down.
"How's the healing process?" I asked sitting at the edge of his bed.
"Painful, but I'll be better in like two days"
"Evan, you were stabbed, you're probably not gonna heal in a few days"
"Yeah true" he sighed. "How's the boys?" He asked. "Evan you saw them yesterday" I laughed. "I know, I'm just worried I'll miss shit that happened" he smiled looking down.
"When'd the doctor say your eye would heal?"
"Oh in a week or 2. Why is it bothering you?"
"Yeah kinda", we laughed.
"How's Ryan and Grace?" He asked.
"Eh, Grace still won't notice me and Ryan asked Jon out today and-"
"Wait what?!"
"What?" I asked.
"Go back"
"Grace still won't notice me?"
"No after that"
"Oh, Ryan asked out Jon?"
"What the hell! Why?!" He yelled.
"I don't know dude" I said placing my helmet next to me. "Did he say yes?"
"Yeah" I mumbled.
"Yeah" I said more clear. He groaned and put his hand on his head shutting his eyes.
"Sorry dude"
"It's fine, it's not like it's your fault", I nodded and looked down at my converse.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I mean, I should've told him quicker"
"Let's get off the Jon subject. How's your teeth?" I asked. "The doctor told me that he could fix one one them, but not this one cause I'd have to go through like 3 surgeries to fix it" he said pointing at his 2 missing teeth. One was on the bottom left in the back and the other was the top right a tooth away from his front ones. "That sucks bro, I'm sorry"
"Yeah" he said. Someone opened the door and we both looked to see it was Tyler and Bryce.
"Hey guys!" Evan cheered.
"Someone's happy, damn" Tyler laughed.
"Hey"Bryce shyly said.
"Let's watch a movieeeee!" Evan yelled.
"Are you on drugs?" Tyler asked.
"Just a little" he said showing the size with his fingers. We laughed and watched Batman verses superman. I shared popcorn with Evan and Tyler had his own because I know Bryce isn't going to have any. I might be a foster child but I know a lot of shit about the kids in this neighborhood. I looked down at Tyler and Bryce, they both have a lot of things in common. Same nose, blue eyes, chin, skin color, brown hair, freckles, eyebrow shape, height, etc. it's often hard to tell which ones which, but since Bryce has his issue he obviously stands out against Tyler. I just wanted to grab a handful of popcorn and shove it in his mouth and tape it shut, boy don't we all. I'm worried about the kid, this isn't healthy for him, or anyone else who does it. I turned to check on Evan and he was asleep. I checked his pulse on his wrist just to make sure. He was fine so we all decided to go home. I grabbed my board and helmet and hopped on my board. I turned around and waved to Tyler and Bryce. They waved back and Bryce hid his face but I could tell he was blushing, I wonder why? I got home and ran inside. "Marcel Nolan Michaels!" Mrs. Paul yelled. I turned to her and unclipped my helmet, "yes?". "What did I say about boards in the house?!" She yelled. "Sorry, I'll put it in the back" I said walking then she gasped.
"No shoes on the carpet!" She yelled.
"Shit sorry"
"Did you just curse?!", I groaned and whipped my helmet up and walked in the backyard. I slammed the door and threw my board in the middle of the backyard. I sat on the back porch steps and put my head in my hands while sighing. It can be a pain to live here sometimes.
The door opened and someone sat next to me and handed me my helmet. I looked up to see Grace. I smiled and she smiled back and stood up ruffling my hair. She the went back inside. That was a short but good moment. I smiled and went back inside.

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