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Marcel's POV
I skated down the ice dribbling the puck between my sick. I passed it to Evan, who passed it to Brian. Brian shot it to me as I went behind the net. I skated around then wiped out onto my ass. "Fuck" I whispered.
"Marcel! Get a hold on yourself! Sit out and cool down" coach said. I groaned as Luke helped me up and I skated out to where Tyler was on the bench. "Hey man" I said sitting next to him and taking off my sweaty helmet.
"You we're doing good, what happened?" He asked. "Grace, what'd you do fake an injury to sit out?" I asked. "You know me to well, ankle injury" he laughed. "How's things? Did you tell your dad yet?" I asked.
"God no, but I might later this week" he said. Practice finished and we all sat out on the benches. "Marcel, you need to get your head in the game" Evan said grabbing my sweaty head. I slapped his hands off and started taking off my gear. "Fuck off" I said.
"Hey, lighten up. You don't need her" Tyler said. "Yeah, but it seemed like she needed me last night" Someone said. We turned around and saw this tall, shirtless, hairy buff guy with black hair. "The fuck you just say big foot?" Tyler said. "I meant that your bitch hitting my line like crazy last night basically begging me to fuck her" he said. "Yo, you better watch your mouth. She's never beg for your tiny ass dick" Evan said standing up next to Tyler and I.
"Says the Asian" He said as all his friends laughed. "Hey, what's your problem?" Brian asked. "Just over hearing conversation, I'm Kyle" he said. "And I didn't ask" Tyler said.
"Look why don't we all get dressed and be on our way" Evan said.
"I thought you'd like to see everyone shirtless faggot?" Kyle said as his friends laughed. Evan started laughing, looking at us then back at Kyle throwing a punch to his jaw. Kyle's friends then launched at him and that's where we stepped in and started kicking some ass. I shoved this one guy off Evan who punched me across the face. I jumped on him and started punching him in the face while pinning his arms down with my legs.
"Boys! Stop! Stop it now!" Coach yelled peeling Evan off some guy. I stood up and wiped my bloody nose. "Fong, Homes, Ariel, Michaels, Jacobs, Gabriels. Office, now!" He yelled. We all walked down the hall with coach so no one started anything. He then dropped us off and left. "Tyler?" Bryce asked getting up.
"What the hell happed?" He asked. Bryce worked in the office, he printed out worksheets and shit for teachers. I know, boring.
"Nothing, just go back to printing papers" he said. After the office we were all let off with two detentions on Saturday and Sunday. As I walked with the guys to our lockers I started wondering if Grace really did do that. We all left school and Kyle and his friends went their separate ways from us. It was Evan, Tyler, Brian, Bryce, and I. "They really beat the shit outta you Ev" Bryce laughed.
"You should've been there Bryce, Evan was laughing and then PLOW! Punches him right in the face" Tyler laughed.
"Do you guys think he was lying?" I asked.
"Bout what?" Brian asked.
"About Grace wanting to sleep with him last night". "Honestly man, I don't know" Evan said. I nodded and sighed.
Brian lived right on the edge of the block, so he left. Then Evan ad I walked up to the house. Evan unlocked it while texting on his phone. He walked upstairs and I followed.
Evan's POV
I unlocked the door while texting Jon.
E- Hey babe❤️ crazy shit went down at hockey. Wanna hangout?
J- Hey babe, I'm watching a movie with Luke rn. What happened?
I forgot Luke broke his foot like two days ago so he can't play hockey. Why are they hanging out though? They never hangout, Whatever.
E- I'll tell you tomorrow at school
J- okay👌 love you❤️
E- love you too❤️
We made it up the stairs. Marcel opened his door, but before he went in, "Hey, imma have a smoke and after wanna workout?".
"Yeah, sure dude" he said. I went into my room and changed into some gray sweatpants and a tight black T-shirt. I cracked open a window and climbed onto the roof. I went on my phone looking at peoples stories.
"Smoking kills you know" someone yelled. I looked down and saw a small Muslim girl looking up at me. "Calms me" I yelled.
"Meditation is a thing too" She yelled.
"Who are you anyway?" I asked.
"I'm Alia Alvi, and you are?"
"Evan Fong" I said breathing out smoke.
"Where ya headin'?" I asked.
"Home, I'll see you around" She said.
"See ya" I said burning the cigarette out and going back inside.
"Marcel! You ready?!"
"Yeah!" He yelled back.
Hailey's POV
I took a deep breath in and out. I know they'd still love me. But what about going to school, getting a job at a young age, seeing Tyler ever again, keeping the baby. I just didn't know what to do. I walked downstairs and saw my two beautiful parents watching TV.
"Mom? Dad? I need to tell you something really important" I said. They looked at me and paused the TV. "Could we sit at the table?" I asked. They nodded and we all sat at the table.
"I know this is going to sound crazy and it's really going to change all of our lives. I can't sleep at night because of this, but hopefully telling you would give me comfort" I said looking down at my hands trying to be as mature as possible. "Sweetie, you can tell us" my mom said. I looked up at them and took a deep breath in and out.
"I'm pregnant" I said. They both looked at me shocked. "I-I-I I don't know what to say" my father said. "How'd this h-happen?" My Mom asked. "Well I did something really stupid. I snuck out and went to a party with my friends and ended up getting really drunk and sleeping with one of them" I said honestly.
"Do we know this friend?" My mom asked.
"No, but we could arrange something. His name's Tyler and he goes to school with me. I already told him and he said he'd support me and the baby in any way possible" I said.
"Do you think this is okay? For you to just go sleeping around like some whore?! Now I have to have a grandchild at 35!" He yelled.
"No, it's not okay, I did something really really stupid and I totally regret it. I'm trying to stay calm and mature about this, but you calling me names is so childish of you!" I yelled crying.
"Honey, we love you so much, we can't afford for another kid. We're paying for your sports and your brothers tuition, it's all just to much" she said. "Then have him finally get a job then" I argued. "My child isn't going to get an abortion and we can afford to keep this baby, so we have to give it up. There's probably a nice gay couple out there who're willing to take care of it" My Mom said. I nodded, "I'll talk to Tyler to see if he told his dad yet and we'll see" I said.  My mom nodded while my dad looked disgusted. I stood up and pushed my chair I and went upstairs.

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