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Craig's POV
"Hey Dowling, you got my shit?" He asked.
I handed him the bag and then he handed me $100. "This much for coke? Imma need to see more" I said crossing my arms and sticking one hand out. "What're you gonna do with more than $100?" He asked shocked.
"Do you know how much I went through to get and deliver this shit?" I asked getting closer to them. "Fine, here" he said giving me another hundred. "Thanks" I said walking away as they walked the other way. I walked down the street in my red hoodie and jeans with my hood up and two hundred dollars in my bag. I bet you're wondering what just happened. Well, I'm in a gang. That was my leader M-dog, he has dark skin, dreads, and a mean face. I whipped out a blunt and lit it. Yeah its illegal here in Chicago, but it's whatever. Neither of the guys know that I'm doing this. Tyler knows that I hangout with other people a lot, but he doesn't know why. When it was almost out I tossed it in front of me and stepped on it as I walked to my house. Ever since Jon's parents came back I've been staying at my old place. I've been avoiding the both of them and I only go home to sleep and that's it. I walked up to Tyler's house and opened the door. Tyler and I have been friends for a long time so we're pretty comfortable just barging into each other's houses. I saw Bryce sitting on the couch. "Yo, Bryce where's Tyler?". When I got no response I checked on Bryce to see he was sleeping. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and put it over him. I then walked upstairs and knocked at Tyler's door. "Come in!" He yelled. I opened it and walked in. "What took you so long? You're supposed to be here an hour ago?" Tyler asked playing Xbox.
"I had shit to do". "Like what?" He asked.
"business" I said sitting on his bed and placing my bag down. He paused his game and turned around to look at me. He then looked at my bag then at me. He almost immediately grabbed my bag the same time I went for it. He shoved me off of him and I watched as he searched my belongings.
"$200?" He gasped. "Hey that was hard earned, don't steal it" I said taking bag my back, I sat back down on the bed, hopping he didn't see the drugs I hid under my hat in there. "I wasn't going to, but one thing... WHY THE HELL IS THERE WEED AND COKE IN THERE!" He yelled smacking my head. "It's my job!" I admitted.
"You better not be saying what I think you're saying" he said disappointed. I laid down in frustration.
"I'm in a gang" I said. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. I then sat up and showed him my tattoo by my ankle. It said, "outlaws", which is my gang name. He then smacked me on the back of the head. "The hell were you thinking doing all of this and not coming to me"
"Coming to you for what? Approval?" I scoffed.
"Do you know how even more fucked up your life will be?! Can you get that through your head that just cause life's fucked up at home doesn't mean no one gives a shit about you"
"I know that, but this is what I want to do and if you don't like it then cut me off"
"What do you mean?" He asked. I just put my bag on my shoulders and left. I walked down the stairs as he chased me. "Are you out of your mind?"he yelled, but I ignored him. He then blocked the door. "You don't want to do this" he said. "Get outta my way" I said trying to move him. He then shoved me backwards.
"Don't think for one second I'm going to let our friendship just fly out of the window because I love you man, you're my second brother and I care", I just looked at him and he stared at me.
"I-I got shit to do" I choked out. "Fine" he said opening the door and I left. I walked across the street to my house. I opened the door and heard and saw no one. I looked in the kitchen, but no food like always. I looked around. There were photos of our family, but they were either cracked or on the ground. I walked slowly upstairs making sure not to creak the staircase. I finally got to my room and plopped my bag in my room. I went to examine where everyone was. It was risky and stupid of me, but I slowly opened my mother and fathers bedroom door. My father was asleep and I didn't see my mother so I started looking for her. I looked in the bathroom, in a storage room, in the living room, the kitchen, the back yard, but... nothing. Where would she be. I walked back inside and went to my room and shut the door. Did she finally get a job? No. Was she at a neighbors? No. I sat down and wondered until it finally occurred to me, she ran away.

My friends and I have problems Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang