Ouija the game part 2

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I walked in to Mikeys apartment, he was no were to be seen i walked over to his room he wasent there. Were could he be i went to the restroom to find that that the door was locked. I knocked on the door ,yeah Mikey said but i new he was sad. Hey mikey its me open up i said go away ge replied. I am not going away untill u open up this door i said a couple seconds later i hear he unlocked the door . I walk in and see him facing the wall so his back was to me. Hey are u ok i asked no reply i touched his shoulder but he shuved me off. He grabbed my hand and said no i am not ok and this felling towards you is killing me. He pulled me close to his chest and i pushed him a little but he held on tight enough for me not to escape.  Mikey i told u i can't  - i said but he cutt me off saying "What u cant because of jake huu". He leand in and once again he looked at my lips but i was looking at his face. He was getting closer and closer untill he finally reached my lips i didn't do anything but did i mention i did have feelings for him. At that moment i didn't let the kiss pass but after a couple of seconds i kissed him back, the koss was passionate.  I remembered about jake and i opend my eyes wide open i backed up from the kiss.  I tryed getting away but he hold me still. Untill jake walked in and saw what was happening,he pinned Mikey up against the wall, "Jake stop" i screamed. Jake was about to punch Mikey in the stomach wen i grabbed his arm he elbowed my face,it went dirrectly to my jaw i felt something comming down on my chin i touched it to see blood. I started seeing black dots in my vision and in a moment i fell backwards i felt Jake shake me,and Mikey screaming "y/n,y/n"

What will happen next find out in the next chaper
As always peace✌✌

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