The conversation

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We sat there in silence for a while.

Nobody had the guts to say something so i spoke up. Guys they all looked up at me, i looked up and look at Mikey i took a deep breath. Mikey u have feelings for me right, yes Mikey said with embarrassment, ok i sigh. Ademir, he looked up at me, u were flitting with me the day i 1st came here correct i said ,correct he said with embarrassment. I look over at jake, he was mad i mouthed control ur self,he mouthed back. Jake, he looked up at me .we are dating right, yes he said, i looked over Mikey and Ademir i see sanddness in both of there eyes. Ademir i think u should date Sama, she said you're good looking he looked up and smiled. Mikey i think i would find someone for u,would u like that i asked yes i would he said. Ok so its set Ademir i will make yall tow a date but i will have to first find the match for Mikey. soon Mikey i will find someone i smiled they all smiled at me. Jake got up and hugged me and he signalled the rest of the boys to join in. We hugged and after a while i hugged all of them each 1 by 1.  I started screaming Faxxxxx, everyone laughed  including me. Lets go eat shall we i asked ," Faxxx " ademir said. We went to Applebees but as we walked in we got kicked out.As we were driving to IHOP Ademir rolled down the window and screamed to a squad of girls and said "ima gett cheeksss", we looked at Ademir and i rolled down my window and said Faxxx. We all laughed. We arrived and we ordered Jake was looking at me so i turned around and he leand in for a kiss,"get em cheeks" ademir screamd,"cheeks" Mikey said. I blushed a bit but i laughed it off.

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1. Ademir adamo
2.Jake dufner
3. Mikey manfs

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