The solution

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I texted Yasmine the time early in tue morning today at 6pm at Fields and Tides (yes this is an actual restaurant i just couldn't think of one i searched it up in google lol thks google). I texted Mikey and Ademir about there date, Mikey said if i could come over i said yeah sure on my way. I drove to Mikeys apartment and knocked on the door Mikey opend the door and i saw Jake Ademir of course.Mikey said hey with a hug "thank u"he whispered im my ear , "no problem anything for my best fran"i said back into his ear. I kissed his cheek and walked over to Ademir and smiled he looked at me and he hugged me. "Thanks for eveything" he said into my ear,"no problem, anything for my boyy faxx"i said back to him i smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.I walked over to Jake and i hugged him and kissed his lips, we got interrupted bye Ademir saying,"ok u little 2 love birds lets talk about our tipple date"he said "tripple date who else is going i asked confused". "You and Jake" Mikey said
"but i planed this for just the two of you " i said "yeah but i wanted you to come with us because he haved help us so much and we wanna help u amd Jake gey back straight to you're relation ship" Mikey said "faxxxxx" Ademir said. I look at Mikey and Ademir i have tears in my eyes i walked over to them, i hugged them both and i was choking them a bit and they both said "ok y/n u can let us go"they both said at the same time. I smile and say "sorry" while letting them go i see they were red because they were running out of air from my hug. We all look at each other including jake and laugh our buts off, after a moment i said "but we are going to sit in different tables because i dont wanna be the third wheel on the botb of yall". "But-"Mikey and Ademir said but were cut off by me saying "no buts" "fine' they said


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