The tripple date

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Its around 4 pm and i take a long time to get ready so i started. My outfit for they date is at the top⬆. We were going to a facy restaurant so we have to look fancy. Its 5:30pm i hear my phone buzz its Jake
Jake:im comming to pick you up in a cople of minuets
Me:ok perfect
Jake:see u in a couple of min
Me:ok babe
  I slime and go look in the mirror to see if i looked ok. I look aut the window and see jake coming up from the driveway,he gets out from his car and he looked so handsome in his taxtio. He knocks and i go and open the door, his draw dropped wen he saw me. "Wow u look beautifull" said while spinning me around, i smile and fix his little bow tie. Wen i was finished we kissed and went to the car. I texted Mikey Ademir Jasmine and Sama in a group chat.
Me:we Will meet u at the restaurant
Mikey:see u then
Ademir:ok we will see u there
Sama:ill meet u there
Me:ok then😁

We arrived and me and Jake waited for all of them to come, while we were waiting for them we were taking a bunch of pictures. I looked over the picture's and smile and look over at jake and give him a kiss. We heard the door open and we looked over to see Ademir Mikey Sama and Yasmine. I went over to the girls and tell them,yall look so pretty i love it, after a while of talking to the girls i decided to go to the guy's group. Hey Mikey i give him a hug you're excited i asked yes i am he responded. He gives me a hug and whispers "thank you"once again,"no problem anything for my best friend" i say. I went over to Ademir and playfully puch his shoulder. Faxxxx he says, looking nice Ademir looking nice i say. Thanks he says giving me a hug. Promise me one thing i whisper to his ear "yeah"he says, "promise me u will make her the happiest woman on earth and if u break her heart i will break youre face ok"i chuckle at the end yes i will make her mine and the "happiest of them all"he says. We both laugh and enter. We all sat close but in different tables.

What will happen next?find out in the next chapter

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