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So school started 5 days ago
Today my 3 day of going to school
Y a y
To say the truth my phone on 20 percent and I have zero fuck of why should I even care- I know I'm gonna barely use my phone. So that to say- updates may come a bit more slower now

Why is it one 20 percent? when you can't sleep and always get nightmares, call Etihw, their kisses make ya fall asleep 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻💯💯💯💯 no joke- but to bad it's only for me.

But I am sorry that the updates are start to get slow due to school, but I'm working on the next chapter of 'Beautiful Pft As If' so I hope that will make it up- again I'm doing everything at once so I'm sorry if it comes out horrible, I'm trying my best- and you guys deserve the best.

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