Lasy ass ending

56 3 14


Now you know me
I never end my book


At least I know how to end them

Now I been trolling this little person,
And seeing how much they like to take compliments and destroy them by talking mad shit about your self.

Now I been trolling this little person,And seeing how much they like to take compliments and destroy them by talking mad shit about your self

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Let's see this bud
You wrote a book and published it so it can be a tested...heads ups if you're gonna write a book about a popular ship- and publish, THEN tag it with a bunch of ships and the fandom- then YEAH you're gonna get people to love it!

If it really was a test you could have written it in your description.

And if you truly didn't even want to write it- then don't- because look bad, the pacing is horrible and it so noticeable that you do not care for this, writing books isn't suppose to forceful it's suppose to be fun- people write things for fun- if you don't wanna write then DON'T WRITE!
"What about my readers you asshole!"
Well, readers come and go and in the end they gonna look back at you're story and read it and think "wow, you really didn't want to write this book it looks like shit" and It dose make the reader feel bad for thinking forcing they you to write- (not only that but god the ending is so shitty.) but they're not even pressuring you to write!

I get the feeling that you don't even want to write in general, if you really can't handle the pressure of being an author- then don't write

At least she finish her book- so she committed that good thing that authors need to do- and she communicate with her readers (but ends up being a lil shit to critics and just talk about how she such "shitty" of a person talking to people that compliment her..). Also sweetie if you're dealing with emotional shit- don't mention it, it isn't none of our business so if you say that we don't know you're life- then stop bringing it up- everyone going through something, you're the first and you won't be the last. So good luck being a writer with all that stuff of you're life and

Welcome to the authors hell
Enjoy your stay.

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