Impress your readers?

57 4 13

"You always wanted to known so..."

want to impress your readers?
Well uh, you can't....uh yeah.

Being a writer is hard shit- everyone knows EVERY AUTHOR KNOWS
Authors knows that they have to scramble their brain to find such amazing plots that already been use before them, every author have copy each other in their own ways to impress their reads sooooo

Why make your story utter shit trying to impress your readers, look- you're throwing everything in that book just because your readers are into that thing, is it even about Felix and Oswald? From how I'm reading it, it's really not with all these new characters being added that has no purpose to it whatsoever.

This is more of a story then an ask blog

To be completely Honest

Just make this a book instead of an ask blog
Because it would be better that way- waaaaay much better.

Beside every author knows that they're readers will never be pleased by there authors work but us authors will have to say "deal with what you got" and you gotta say that too, let seriously authors downfalls are the idea that they won't be able to please all their readers and your downfall is that thinking, I mean your book started off good then turn into shit- child, just stop trying to impress your readers that's a bonus, just write your story and if some of them don't like it because they don't have this character (which is from a different universe) tell them or gave them advice for other books that may have that.
And yeah I seem like a Dick but that what I am and I'm pretty much going straight forward.

So if you want to roast me, shame me go all-
"U-u-uh you c-cunt, h-how d-date you mo-mock A-Author C-Chan!"

Ooohooooohohohohoh well, I'll respect your opinion if you respect mine but I will fight back if your willing for the fight.

If not then don't waste my time


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