País & Sumi.

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{Sumi pov}
Hello, my name is Sumi tasiki. Im 17 years old and right now. I feel so different from others, people talk about "the string" and how that string leads you to your soul mate. But, i never had that "string" i don't see it, i try and try, but it just doesn't appear. I live in london, its beautiful here. But its cold, it's quiet where i lived. I liked the quiet, we had to move to the city. I don't have a string and i would lie that i had one. I would tell them "I know that my soulmate is rich" but.. I don't have a string neither a soul mate (dis idea wos inspired by "the string" animation on szin's channel. ( ͡° w ͡°) )
Untill i get a message from someone on instagram. "Hey! I think you're very pretty! You are great at photography =]" it came from a boy named "País" he is 18 it says on his bio. "Thank you! <3 " i reply to him.
He texts back saying ":OOOO YOU REPLIED? YOU ARE LIKE A MODEL TO ME OML" i laugh. I see something red appear. Its a string, the red string. I jump around my room "I GOT A SOULMATE! worst case senerio. Ill call the cops." i reply to him "awh, thank you once again, your name is País right? " he sends me "yes! Yours is Sumi?" "yes! ^^" "what a pretty name! I probably live a world away from you. At least i can see your face =]"

{País Pov}
Ive had many red strings, but they all snapped. Then i stopped talking to people because thats what made me get so many strings, untill i saw sumi's profile on the explore page. She was so pretty, electric,magnetic, beautiful. I texted her thinking i would never get a response but i did, and she was super nice. She probably lives in the united states to where i live in london. Its cold here. It looks like she lives in somewhere cold like...michigan? I don't know i've never been to the united states. I bet it's pretty there. I want to see her.
I want to hear her, i bet she sounds like a angel. She looks like one.

•~both of them~•
I think i found my soulmate.

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