|• polite •|

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I grab my phone and i head downstairs. Ding. I look down "hey sumi! It's nicole, im wondering if you wanted to come on a cruise with me. You can bring a friend if you'd like. Hope u can come girli 👌💕💞👋" I smile and i text back "sure, I'll go." I turn off my phone and i put it on the table. I grab bread and i make my self toast, i spread some strawberry cream on it. Ding. "Yay! ;)) who are u bringing?" I text back "could it be a boy?" And i keep eating. Ding "sure ;0 ;))))) 👌💦" I laugh and i eat the rest. I go and do my hair and the rest of my stuff. Knock knock. Oh, pais is probably here. I open the door, "hey sumi" He smiles "want something to eat before we go pais?" He nods. "What do you want?" He shrugs "fruit?" I nod and throw him a apple. He bites in it. He finishes his apple. "Ready to go?" He asks. I nod and we leave. We decided to walk since it was a nice day, when we finally made it to the carnival we pay for our tickets and we head in. "What do you wanna do first sumi?" I shrug. "Anything really" He smiles "okay, lets go on the zipper" I nod and i follow him to the line.
~a few hours later~
Pais won me a giant teddy and we're going on the ferris wheel.
|• p a i s •|
After a lot of fun i decide to tell Sumi, on the farris wheel, i know the ferris wheel should be romantic but i don't want to do it once we get to her house. We get on. "Hey sumi-" She looks over "yeah?" I swallow. I hope this doesn't ruin the day we've had, please let her still be happy. "Well uh, today i got a call from your aunt." She looks confused "my- aunt?" I nod "and she told me, that..that your mom. Was diagnosed with cancer.."
Sumi sits back. "She- she what?"

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