~|who am i?|~

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~| S u m i |~
We're sitting in the back of the taxi. My head on pais shoulder. He stops in front of my place. "Can i stay over?"
I nod, we get out and we get into the house. A roll of paper towels is by the table that my stupid ass broke. I laugh and i go upstairs. "Can i shower?" He shakes his head no "you can only bathe because your bandages will get wet if you shower" I nod "then I'll go take a quick bath" I walk upstairs and i go into the bathroom and i take off my clothes. I look at my self in the bathroom mirror. There's something on my neck, i get closer. "Probably makeup? Or a bloodstain.." I get into the bath and i fill it, It feels nice .
•| p a i s |•
I look around sumi's house, i look at the book shelves with photos of her and her mom. Photos of her as a baby and photos of her as a kid
"Shes cute"
I look back and i see sumi in a shirt and shorts.
"Oh. Im looking at photos of you.." She laughs "i know"
"I need you to check something for me"
"What is that?"
"There's something on my neck and it won't come off. " I get closer and i look at her neck. "Oops" She gets startled "what? Is something wrong with me?"
I laugh "No.. That's called a hickey dumbass."
She laughs "oops,,im dumb. But how di-" Her face goes red. "ooooUuuuh"
I laugh "im tired." She nods and turns off the lights. "Im going to sleep" She signals for me to follow
I follow her.
"That's gonna be your room for now. It's a guest room"
I nod and i go in there she waves and goes to her room.
I sit up and look around.
I see a flower pot next to a little girls photo.
A letter that says "i love you, junko" Is in front of it.
"I love you, junko.."
"Hey! I was sleeping shithead!"
I look around "who said that"
"Oh! You must be dream boy!"
I step back "what do you mean..by dream boy?"
"Sumi talks about you all the time! She likes you a lot. "
"Who are you though!?"
"Oh me? Im sumi's dead bff! She talks to me all the time!"
"So just by saying " I love you Junko i can hear and see you?!"
She nods "well no shit, anyways! Need anything?"
I hesitate for a bit "what has she told you?...about me.." She smiles "she's said a loooot of things. But she honestly despises you!"
"Eh, sometimes she says i hate you. Yesterday when she got back from school she said how sweet you were to her that day. She likes you a lot but hey you have a girl don't you?"
I shake my head no.
"Sumi already knows im not taken"
"Oh! So that's why she's being so happy! Well you should do a good job with her or else pretty boy. "
She disappears.
I lay down and i go to sleep.

|• hey! If you read my stories i really appreciate it, i love writing stories and im proud of this one and lowlife also. Im trying my best to finish the first chapter of the second part of lowlife but i can't find the time to do it and I've broken relations with almost all of those people and it's hard to write about it. Thanks for reading my story :) ♥♥ •|

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