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I meet maya at the cafe after school, i show her the video and she apologizes, i slap her and tell her we're over. Sumi invites me over, i meet her parents and we eat dinner. Me and sumi take hours talking and talking, we laugh and cry. It was fun, i walked home and even when i got there i called sumi untill 4 am. At five i went downstairs to get a snack, 45 missed calls from maya, i block her number. I eat and i go to bed, it's morning.
~•sumi POV~•
I wake up and go downstairs, "mom? " i look around the house, she isn't home
I look at the dining table and there's a note. I go over to the dining table and i read it "hello honey, i had to go to work early.  Ill be back a few hours after you get home from school. Invite pais but no other boys- love ya" i put it on the side and i make my self breakfast. I change and i head to school, i meet up with pais and school starts, we go to our classes and then the announcement bell rings and the dean comes over the PA "students. Yesterday there was a.. A problem on the roof so no one is allowed up there for today, thank you for your understanding" it beeps again and it goes silent, soon i hear rumors of what happened.  "Someone got murdered" but i know what happened up there. And it's worse than murder. Its breaking my soulmates heart. That reminds me.. I focus on my string and it's leading next door. Pais's classroom. I give a sigh of relief but also of confusion..if he's my soulmate and we're "bestfriends" does that not count as getting friend zoned?  I think. I think that counts as friendzoning. The string is more thicker. Our friend ship is getting stronger I'm pretty sure that means.
Yesterday país told me that he was hurt that Maya was a slut. Turns out she was a whore at her last school and they kicked her out.

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