Chapter Two: My Parents

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\August 5, 2085/

I wondered where my parents were now. Why hadn't they visited me?

"They're visiting you tomorrow. They've been very busy." said Nurse Rowan.

"I can meet them! Do I have any siblings?" I asked.

"Not at the moment. Your mum's 8 months pregnant though, with twins."

"Twins? I'm going to be a big sister. That's exciting!" I exclaimed.

"It is, isn't it?" Rowan said, opening a drawer and handing me something. It was a bracelet with my name on it. I slipped it on my wrist.

I heard footsteps. They sounded like high heels.

"Your mum's here." said Rowan, getting up and closing the drawer. She went up to my mum and showed her where I was sitting.

"Grace!" Mum stood next to the bed now. She tried to hug me.

"I broke my legs." I said.

"I know. When they're better you can come home! Your dog will be happy to see you too. She's called Poppy. She's a Corgi and she missed you a lot when you weren't there."

Mum turned to Rowan and said something and then turned back to me.

"I'd better get going. I've got work soon. See you tomorrow, Grace. Your dad will be here too."

Mum kissed me and then walked away.

"When's my birthday?"

"August 16th. You were born in 2069."

"Have NASA found aliens yet?" I asked. I had a flashback about a girl who liked aliens. She was being teased and bullied for believing they existed.

"They have. In 2084, they found them living past the dwarf planets and they discovered a new planet too. It's called Chronos. It's an Earth like planet."

"Cool." I said. I slowly fell asleep.

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far. Don't forget to vote and follow me! This story will be 10 chapters long.


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