Chapter Three: My Dog

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\August 6, 2085/

The next day I saw my parents again. I didn't recognise my dad since I had amnesia. I saw my mum the previous day so I recognised her.

"Are you recovering?" asked Dad. He had floppy brown hair and sea blue eyes. Mum had black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Slowly. My legs are still broken. They're starting to heal." I said.

"That's good. Soon you'll be out of hospital and you get to go home." said Mum. Dad agreed.

Mum got out a phone and pressed a button. There was a hologram of a cute dog.

"Awww." I said.

"That's your dog. She's called Poppy."

"Is amnesia permanent?" I asked.

"In some cases, it is but I'm sure you'll get your memory back." said Nurse Rowan.

"I hope I get my memory back." Mum put her phone back in her bag.

Mum looked at her watch and then said, "We've both got work now."

"Aren't you on maternity leave?"

"I'll be on it soon." Mum explained.

"In 4 months' time. I get paid too."

"What job do you have?" I asked.

"Your mum works in an office and I draw my own comics. We get 13 pounds per hour." said Dad.

Mum hugged me and so did Dad and then they left.

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far. Don't forget to vote and follow me! This story will be 10 chapters long.


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