Chapter 2

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~three years later~

I yawned as I started waking up, and I opened my eyes before looking for okāsan."Okāsan, where are you?" I called groggily, rubbing the fatigue and crud off my eyes. It was July 7, x777. My birthday is on August 18 (heheh, Percy's birthday), and I was going to be 11. I continued looking around for my foster mother when I saw a film of ice with writing on it by the entrance of the cave.

{My dear snowflake,
I'm sorry for leaving without notifying you, but I have to go away for a very long time. There won't be a chance that you could find me, so I suggest you don't search for me. I also can't tell you why I have to leave. However, I want you to do something for me: either look for your birth family, or search for the other dragon slayers. The other dragons and I have vanished, and a few of us left behind their children. You can do one or the other, just please stay safe. This is my last request. I love you, Yuki. Take care, and I've left you a gift next to your bed.
Sincerely, Fubuki.}

I cried softly when I finished, my tears turning the ground into a layer of ice when they connect. I sniffled and tried wiping away the tears, but to no avail. I went back to my bed of snow, and saw something shimmer by the edge. I picked it up and choked out a sob when I saw it was a silver necklace with a snowflake charm attached. I started crying harder before I screamed in sorrow."OKĀSAN!!!" I screamed.

I continued crying for about an hour before calming down. I gathered all of my stuff, which is mostly just a bag with some of my personal hygiene stuff, and left the cave. I plan on looking for my parents or at least my brother Macbeth. He's going to be 10 this year, and I don't even know if him or our parents are still alive or not. When I reached the woods, I froze as I heard men talking."We just need some more kids before going back to the tower, stop complaining already." One guy said. I went into survival mode, my defense up and I was preparing to fight for my freedom when I stepped forward and accidentally broke a fallen branch."What was that?" Another guy asked. Footsteps quickly went towards me, and I was preparing an ice dragon: roar when I heard a voice behind me."Hello, doll." Something, or someone, hit the back of my head, causing me to start falling unconscious and my body to collapse. The person caught me, and the last thing I heard was his voice."Goodnight, doll." He chuckled.

When I woke up, I was blind folded, but I can smell the ocean. I was rocking on something, but felt fine. I'm assuming I'm on a boat. I tried moving, but felt that my wrists were cuffed."Requip: katana." I whispered, but nothing happened. I guess the cuffs were containing my magic energy. Soon, I heard loud footsteps come near me before they roughly picked me up."Let's go, brat." The man grumbled before slinging me over his shoulder. He walked for quite a while, at first I heard a wooden door open and close along with creaking floors, then it turned into solid stomps. I sniffed the air, using my enhanced senses to check my surroundings. I still smell the ocean, so I'm assuming we're on a small peninsula. I also smell a lot of rock and metal. I heard a creaking sound,this time from probably an iron door from what I could smell. This happened a few times, with me occasionally hearing other men yelling, some whipping sounds and cries from people ranging from children to elders. I heard one more door open before I was tossed to the ground. I grunted slightly, and I felt the guy uncuff me before putting some separate cuff on my right wrist. I quickly pulled the blind fold off and saw the man close the iron door."Welcome to the tower of heaven, brat." He sneered before leaving.

"H-hello, miss. Who are you?" A young boy asked. I turned to look at him and saw four boys and one female huddled against the wall."My name is Yuki. What are your names?" I asked softly, slowly crawling towards them so I don't scare them."My name is Erik, but I go by Cobra. And this is my pal, Cubellios." One of the boys with a snake said."I-I'm Richard, or Hoteye." A larger yet younger boy said, and I recognized him to be the one who spoke first."I'm Sawyer, but call me Racer!" A boy with a long pointed nose said."I'm Sorano, or Angel, Miss Yuki." The young girl said."No need for formalities, Angel." I giggled, and she blushed and giggled back. I turned to the last boy, and stared in shock. The last boy looked like my little brother, and he seemed silent as he just stared at the wall to his left."And you?" I asked, looking at him kindly with a smile. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes before quickly looking down shyly."Macbeth...... but I want to be called Midnight instead......." he said quietly. I felt my heart squeeze slightly as I crawled towards him."Macbeth....... otōto......." I whispered to him as I gently hugged him, a few tears slipping and falling on his dirty and torn clothes. He sat there stiff with wide eyes, probably not used to this kind of thing. I spoke to him quietly, but loud enough for the others to hear. I told him how I knew him, and how we're siblings. I told him all about me and my life. When I finished, he was crying as well."I-I have a sister? And parents?" He asked quietly, and I stroked his hair to comfort him."I......... I hate them. I hate our parents. They abandoned us, thinking that we're monsters, but we aren't. They are!" He growled before he started sobbing, turning to clutch onto me. He cried on my chest, occasionally calling me onēsan. I heard the others sniffling, and I turned to see them crying in sympathy and envy. I smiled before reaching an arm out to them."Don't be sad. You guys can be our siblings, too. I'll be your onēsan, and all of you will be my otōtos and my imōto." I told them, and they joined in the hug, all of us crying together as a new family."I promise to take care of you........" I whispered.

~6 months and a few weeks later~

Midnight's birthday passed, it being on December 22. It's now January, and the life of a worker in the tower of heaven has become a usual routine for me.

 It's now January, and the life of a worker in the tower of heaven has become a usual routine for me

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(Oración Seis outfit)

The blue haired boy, Jellal, took over, and eventually asked the Oración Seis-that's what my siblings call themselves-to join him in a dark guild. I knew it was bad news, but I couldn't leave my family behind, so I joined as well when they asked me. Eventually, they all started to become cruel. Cobra had a lacrima implanted in him, making him a second generation dragon slayer, and him becoming a poison type. All of them became sadists, but rarely had their soft side. They have a new "father" now too, named Brain. He's two sided, having one personality as Brain and the other as Zero. All of them are just using me now, barely being nice to me and just ordering me around now. I've become sick of it, so I'm just going to leave. Luckily, I managed to leave without anyone noticing, and I froze my cuff before shattering it. Quickly as the alarms went off, I used all my strength to swim through the ocean, not knowing where I'm going."You'd betray us as well, Yuki?" Jellal's voice echoed, and I felt a pull on my body before I was suddenly being choked by the boy."If you wish to leave, fine. Leave your family. Never come back, and be a traitor amongst us." He said, and he stepped aside to show the Oración Seis behind him. They looked hurt and betrayed, then looked angry before turning and walking away."Goodbye, Yuki." Jellal sneered before I was launched away from him, screaming as I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was on a shore different from the tower of heaven. I got up, and stumbled away from the water towards more land. I found my brother, and now that I know he can take care of himself without me with him, I need to continue the search Fubuki wanted me to do. I need to find my parents, then the other dragon slayers besides myself and Cobra.

A/N this chapter is edited because I messed up on the timeline.

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