Chapter 8

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[LOLV - Procellarum playing]

(Sara's POV)

The concert for today was lit. Fans cheering, sticks went glowing and the hall was packed with people. All I could hear was Shun sings to the songs and his solo song, not hearing anyone. He captured my gaze ever since my engagement thingy.

I've been thinking about it for several times now. Because of that, my mind rethink itself whether I chose the right partner. I have two guys on my mind; Shun and Kakeru. If I choose Kakeru, Shun maybe neglects me all the time. And if I choose Shun, everyone will be happy? I dunno. It's my fate anyway.

30 minutes later, the concert will end. I was busing preparing for them to rest for a while in a waiting room. Two bottles of mineral water and a chocolate bar for each of them. "Miss Morigana?" I heard someone addressed me formally from behind, it was one of the staff who helped us.

"What is it?" I jogged to him.

"We need help. Can you please help us to choose Procellarum next clothes for the fanmeeting event after the concert?"

"Sure. Please, lead the way"

"Thank you so much! Okay, follow me" as he leads me to a dressing room.

The room was big enough for the six members's clothes; 6 clothes for each. Yeah, they did a lot of things on stage. They need to change their clothes so their fans could cheer them on like a fashionist because Procella requested it.

Sigh, choosing clothes for them is quite tough for me. I should hire a stylist and a few makeup artists. "Okay" I gave out a long exhale to concentrate myself.

After I chose their clothes, the staffs carried them to Procella's room. I took a new mineral water for a box that wasn't opened yet. I drank them in one gulp to prevent my throat to dry. I didn't get to rest yet for today, so I had to spend myself with time that I have now. "Alright" I said to myself and then made my way to a manager's own room.

I was scrolling down in my twitter account. Tons of pictures of Procella posted in #tsukiutaprocellarum. I feel so proud to be their manager. "Sara-chan~" I stood up quickly at the same time I startled.

"Koi-kun, what are you doing here?"

"Well, just checking. I was bored at the dorm. I wish I could spend my time with you. And yeah, remember Kuro the rabbit? He destroyed Haru's glasses again for the fourth time or maybe the sixth" I giggled of his funny story.

"So, did Haru fixed his glasses?"

"I think so. We sent Haru and the other senpais at a glasses shop while me and Kakeru are hanging around here" Wait... Kakeru???

"O-oh... W-where is he?" I hope he is not nearby.

"He is lost so am I. We were being separated" I think he is nearby. I'm in trouble if he to-

"Hello?" Ak! "Sara-chan~" he is here! I knew it!! "I miss you!!" He then hugged me tight then whispered "don't act obvious"

"You're the one who acted too obvious" I whispered back. I saw his mouth mouthed 'sorry'. I hope Koi didn't get suspicious about us. But, did he knew I'm Kakeru's fiance?

Once we got out of the room, I was relieved that he didn't bragged at all. He was just puffed his cheeks to be a kawaii kouhai who ever lived in Tsukiuta. He was walking between me and Kakeru to check out the main idols for today's concert in Procella's waiting room.

As Koi opened twisted the door knob,  he immediately shout "BARGED IN!!" that could made us gotten shocked by his funny behavior.

We had our laughable talked, reading fan letters and wishing Procella's concert would be successful. Their next event is fanmeeting. Shun ever mentioned that he hated doing it but he gave up and just blend in because he wanted to make his looks to be shown by the world.

(Shun's POV)

I saw my lovely witch talked to an evil whisper, Kakeru at the corner of the room. I'm trying to calm down my pressure a bit. Thanks to Kai, my pressure was getting lower, but seing my witch with someone else was weird that my kokoro was thumping intensely and at the same time an anger. Can anyone tell me why?

The truth is I like Sara-chan ever since the first time we met. The days that I counted are so precious because those days when both of us spend together. We had our enjoyable time almost everyday. I wish we could be the closest friends or mo-more than a friend?

"Oi, senpai? Shun senpai?" I heard Ikkun called me who was crouching in front of me.


"You were spacing out. What did you think about" he gets closer to my ear. "Thinking about Sara-chan?" My face went red when he knew I was thinking about her.

"Uso deshou?" Rui tilted his head, asking me.

"U-uso desu!" I made a fake laugh. I turned to look at Sara, our gazes met and it was lasted for a minute. I saw her face when red too. Am I being too obvious here?

I sighed thinking of her instead of reality. I think I should take a coffee outside.

I got a permission from Sara-chan that me and Kai will get our coffee. The coffee machine was just at the corner with a couch sitting beside it. I guess it called the 'relax space'. I sit myself on the couch and Kai will make our coffee.

I heard people whispering from distance, it was a male and female voice. And when their voices are getting closer, I immediately noticed it was Kakeru and Sara-chan.

I was curious and sneaking towards them against the wall, like a ninja. What does these magicians talked about?

"My parents invited your family to join our dinner tonight at my place. Contact your parents right away, okay? Before you totally forgot about it" he said. A dinner?

"Okay, okay. Sheesh. You'll drive us there. Meet me at the dorm's lobby?"

"Sure, see ya" oh God, he is coming, he's coming!!
I quickly ran back to my seat and act natural. Just then I sat down, Kai has arrived with two cups of coffee on his hands. He gave one of them to me.

I kept on thinking, what kind of their families dinner will they have? A reunion, maybe? Or their families have any connection. What if I-

"Shun-san, stop spacing out" Kai spoke up.

"Hmm? Oh. Sorry. Let's finish fast before the fan meeting"

Sigh. What kind of potion did Kakeru gave her? Argh! I'm too curious!


Sorry, late update :(

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