Chapter one

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Aria's P.O.V

"Aria, are you almost ready?" I hear Ezra shout

"Just a minute" I reply

Today we have our first appointment with the consultant about adopting a child. It's been 6 months since I finally married Ezra, and became a Fitz. Well Fitzgerald but I think Fitz has a nicer ring to it. Finding out I was infertile was a body blow. I'd be lying if I said I had come to terms with it, because i haven't. All of my life I have dreamt of having a child to call my own. I've always been maternal, I was very hands on with Mike, even though I was only two. I've had a few babysitting stints here and there. I've also played a partial role in taking care of Malcolm when Ezra gets to see him. So I guess when you're told you may never experience that because of your non working reproductive system, it's hard. Very hard. But I think I can overcome this, after all that's happened in my life, this is a mighty yet small challenge that I will overcome. We want to adopt a child, it may not be biologically our own, but we know that our hearts have enough love to love and cherish the child as if it was our own. I think I'd like a little boy first. Then a little girl. Because when the boy is grown up he can look out for its sister.

I grab my purse off the table and start to head downstairs.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are"

"Yes, I hear it from you everyday, and it never gets old."

"A beautiful specimen like yourself deserves to hear it everyday"

What did I do to deserve him? I'm so lucky to know him. I'm so lucky to experience my life with him. Things have always been complicated for us. But though it all, we have found our way back to each other and now, well now we are stronger than ever.

"Okay, let's do this. Let's go find our baby"

Hanna's P.O.V

"Mrs Rivers, we're pleased to inform you that you are expecting a little girl. Congratulations."

A girl. A tiny little princess is growing inside of me. Caleb pulls me into the tightest of hugs. We had both wanted to find the sex out of the baby as we wanted to make sure the baby could be spoilt with lots of clothes. This child will most definitely be spoiled what with having 4 other aunties, of course my mother and myself and Caleb. I want to get her a small pair of baby Jimmy Choo's but Caleb keeps reminding me of her age. Can never be too young to look hot right? We had always talked about having a baby girl when we were younger and we discussed naming it Sophia . We both liked the name as it means wise in Greek. Which was exactly what our baby girl was going to be like. Wise and full of wisdom.

"Hello baby Sophia" Caleb whispers in a soft and comforting voice whilst stroking the bump.

After that moment I feel a sharp yet amazing thump in my side. I knew this feeling all too well. My baby was a kicker. Definitely signing her up for Soccer trials. My baby Sophia was going to be a fighter, just like her parents.

"I think she likes her daddy" I say

"She's going to be daddy's little princess. Just like you are my queen. Both of you girls are my world. I am going to do everything to protect you both and I won't allow anyone to hurt either of you. We spent too much of our past dodging threats, injuries and even death. I'm going to do everything in power to give Sophia a different upbringing. I want to keep you both safe"

It feels good to hear the word "safe" and know that he means it. Caleb has always tried to protect me, but with A.D around, that wasn't always possible. But now we know who A.D is and know that she's been locked up, I for once feel safe. I can't wait to bring this child into the world. It's going to be loved by everyone. It's also going to have two very cute little buddies, Lilly and Grace. They're gonna be around the same age so they can have little play dates and just be the best of friends.

Spencer's P.O.V

The past 5-10 years of my life haven't been easy. What with Ali's disappearance. Finding out that I'm somewhat related to Jason and Ali. Ali's reappearance in New York. Finding out my mum is not my real mum, I have a different mum who gave me away at birth. I suppose having two moms has its perks. Until Mother's Day when you realise its double the expense. But I'm cool with that. I love both of my mums, they've both done what they could to protect me. I guess the hardest part of my life was being tortured by A, A again and A.D. The worst was finding out that A.D was my twin sister Alex Drake. I'll never forget being confined into that small room, and seeing myself on the other end of the plastic wall. Of course it wasn't myself, it was just someone who looks identical to me. For some, finding out that you have a twin should be the most liberating moment of your life. But for me it was quite possibly the worst moment of my life.

What makes me sick to the stomach was that Alex had been messing with Toby, interacting with him as if she were me. I can't deal with that. Neither could Toby. Hes currently travelling round Europe. I guess it's a way to clear his head, and I don't blame him. If I had found out that Toby had an identical twin who'd been playing and messing with me, I'd feel pretty violated. But we do still talk. He sends postcards of where he is, and I send letters back, telling him about how things are in rosewood. I guess it's hard being the only one who isn't married or in an official relationship. But I'm okay with that, because I know that I have one true love, and I'm prepared to wait infinite amount of lives until we can be together. Forever is a really long time. But I know I'm going to be spending it by Toby's side

Emily's P.O.V

Leaving Ali and the twins at home is never easy. I could easily stay at home and spend all of the time in the world with them. But I have a job. Someone needs to provide for the twins, and that someone is me. When I found out Ali was pregnant, I knew I'd support her fully, but it was 100% different knowing that they weren't Ali's eggs, they were mine. I automatically felt way more protective. I knew that everything I'd ever do; would be for them. I used to think it was a punishment, knowing that A.D impregnated Ali. But little did we know it was a blessing in disguise. Being a mother is honestly the greatest thing in the world. Looking at two beautiful little girls and knowing that I made them. We'll sort of made them, is incredible. It gives you're own life a whole new purpose. I used to think beating a personal best at a swim meet was the best feeling in the world. But that feeling can't even come close to the feeling I feel when I lay my eyes on my beautiful twin girls. Okay and my fiancé is pretty hot too.

I can't describe my love for Alison. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to experience with Ali forever. It was like some destiny from the beginning to end up together. We both denied it for so long. No matter how hard we fought it. We knew it was right. We have always discussed what name we'd like to have when we marry. We've decided on dilaurentis-fields. We both believe that each part of the name means something. To be a dilaurentis, it takes strength through drastic times. That's a trait I want Ali to keep and myself to uphold. To be a fields, it takes passion and bravery, also loyalty. I want to keep that, I want to keep traits that I knew my father had. Everything I do is to make him proud, I think he would be proud of me. Because I'm proud of me. I'm proud that me and my friends have came out the other side of what was a horrific teenage hood, stronger than ever. I'm proud that I'm protecting my little family. I'm proud of who Ive become. I think my dad would love that.

Alison's P.O.V

Emily was right, Grace really doesn't like peas. I swear that this food has gone everywhere but her mouth. I cLilly on the other hand, loves her peas. She just loves her food in general. The pair of them are such munchkins.

Having children of my own, that can be little terrors at times, makes me realise how much I miss mother. My mother wasn't perfect, she buried me yes, we argued like hell. But I truly loved her, and I know she truly loved me. There is nothing that can prepare you to lose a parent. Losing a parent is like losing a chunk of everything you ever knew. It makes you realise that nothing is forever. Life isn't some ball of happiness where you float around living and breathing. People get taken away, whether it's earlier than normal or at later more regular time. I try not to dwell on the past, but there's plenty to dwell on. I feel I spend everyday making up for the person I once was. The Alison Dilaurentis I was in high school is nothing like the Alison Dilaurentis I am now. Yes I'm not perfect, I still make mistakes, but I've changed. For the better.

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