Chapter Twelve

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Spencer's P.O.V

It's been a long couple of days since the operation. I'm doing okay. Better than I expected to be. It hurts every-time I breathe in. But the doctors say that's normal. I haven't had much of an appetite but the doctors say I need to eat something to rebuild my immune system. So here I am. Faced with a bowl of what I can imagine is broth though I dread to think what it once was. Hospital food is grim, surely this can't be nutritional in anyway. But I suppose I'm lucky though. The doctors say I'm set to make a full recovery, for others that's not the case. Toby hasn't left my side. He's been worried sick. Hospitals bring out the worst in him. Who can blame him; especially after what happened with Yvonne. But I haven't exactly been sleeping so I suppose having someone to have late night chats with isn't a bad thing.

As soon as I get out of here, and I recover, me and Toby are going to get married. Life has proven too short to keep waiting. We know our love is strong and we know we're ready for this next chapter of our lives. I can't wait for it. Nor do I want to. I'd love for Mary to be at the wedding but she's kind of missing in action right now.  I have no idea where she is. The police say that she was never found after Mona broke her out. I thought the police took her. But I was obviously wrong. Which worries me because the same person who took Mary, took alex also. I wonder why Alex hasn't made an attempt if she's still out there. But I suppose I should be thankful, I don't know what I'd do if I'd ever saw Alex again. She has left me feeling so much anger towards her that I can't speak for what I'd do if I got my hands on her.

"What are you thinking about spence?" I hear him say

"I can't stop thinking about where Alex is? Like she can't have just disappeared off the face of the earth. And..."

"Spence, I know you're worried, but that specimen isn't your priority right now. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to high five that girl in the face with a chair, but if I had to choose between finding her and you getting better, I'd choose you hands down." He says

How does he always know what to say? He makes my big problems feel a lot smaller.

"Is there anything you need?" Toby asks, who looks as drained as I am. The dark circles under his eyes are getting darker and darker by the day.

"Yeah there is something actually. You should go home and get some rest I'll be okay here. There are doctors and nurses everywhere and I'm pretty sure han's bringing Sophia up to see me later on. I won't be alone. I don't want you to get too exhausted. Gonna be needing all your energy for when I'm back on my feet" I say smirking at him.

"What if something happens to you?" Toby replies

"You make it so hard for me to be a modern post feminist when you go all alpha male on me. Nothing will happen to me I'm in good hands... if something did happen they'll call you anyway and it'll be like you never left." I say

I don't want him to leave. I really dont. But I know if he stays, he won't be healthy. I don't want to see him in the same state he was when Yvonne passed.

"Are you 100% sure, ill only go for 3 or 4 hours, I just don't want you to be alone" he says,

"I won't be alone... I'm thinking of having a little nap myself. These meds' are a bit overwhelming to be fair" I reply.

He laughs, we hug and he leaves. I can't help but miss him already but I need to know he's healthy. I could do with a nap before hanna comes.


"I mean, London weren't great, but you could count on it having better food than this vomit". I hear a voice say.

I jolt up. That voice is all too familiar. That voice sends me back to a place. A Bunker, a facility where I was chained up to.  I rub my eyes to see my... my sister. It's Alex drake.

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