Chapter Thirteen

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Emily's P.O.V

Nightmare sequence.

"How is she" I say, running towards Toby. Spencer's is in cardiac arrest. She was given something by someone. No one knows what it is, but she's reacted badly too it. It stopped her heart. The doctors are in there trying to save her. I see a defibrillator. I see lots of doctors surrounding her. I see her lay there lifeless.

I also see hanna, who's rocking Sophia. She looks scared. But she has to calm Sophia. She was meant to be with Spencer but when she got here. Spencer was unconscious. Caleb must be on his way. There is no way that hanna is going to leave until she knows Spencer is okay. But there is also no way that Sophia can stay here. It is not the right environment for a baby.

"It's all your fault" Toby says pushing me away. He's angry. He has that look in his eye. The same look I saw in him when we got out of the dollhouse.

"I'm sorry" I reply.

"If you hadn't have held hanna up she would have been here. She would have been with Spencer and no one would have got to her. It's all your fault. If she dies. It's on you" he shouts.

It's true. I saw hanna, and we were chatting for ages. I made her late for the visit.

"It's my fault" I say

*end of nightmare*

"It's all my fault. All of it, if it wasn't for me, Spencer wouldn't have gone through what she did. If it wasn't for me, hanna would have made it to the hospital on time and stopped Alex. If it wasn't for...."

I'm stopped. I'm by the warm lips of my lover. Her lips intertwine with mine and I'm transported away from here. I think we're in Italy. No we're in France. I can go anywhere with her. She's beautiful and she's all mine.

"You have a polite way of saying shut up" I say smiling

"Well someone had to stop you, you were losing breathe. Em stop. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't hanna's fault. It was no ones fault. That's a lie. It was Alex's fault. She injected Spencer with a dose of I don't know and knocked her out. We didn't know what was to happen. We can't be blaming ourselves like this. Because if A, Alex whatever we are calling her is back, we need to be strong. Because that's the one thing we always had over A. We were all too close to be teared apart." Ali says

I never thought in a million years we'd be facing this again. I thought any part of A coming back died out at the house Toby built. But apparently not. She's back. She's out for blood. I have a lot more at stake this time. If Alex so much as lays a finger on Ali or the twins. I will kill her. I will make her sorry she ever came near them. I will do the jail sentence. Without Ali, lily or grace, I have nothing else to live for.

"You know, you're so beautiful when you're angry/worried." Ali says whilst stroking my neck.

"You're lying." I smile shyly , staring down.

She brings my eyes back in focus with hers. I'm left staring.

"Listen. Don't ever say that again. You're my wife. My beautiful...gorgeous wife. When I look at Lily and Grace. I see strong and independence inside of them. You want to know where they get that from? YOU. Emily Catherine Fields. You are strong. You are independent and you are so beautiful." Ali says. Squeezing my hand. Not hard but it lets me know she's there.

Grace begins to cry. She has always been the cryer out of the pair. But her cry makes Lilly wake up from her nap, and she begins to cry.

"I'll take Lilly you take grace" I say whilst scooping Lilly up.

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