chapter sixteen; king and queen

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Using the key to open the apartment door, Dylan let the blonde go in first before closing it behind them. He was smiling, curiously waiting for a reaction but nothing happened. Absolutely nothing, besides that she walked around to make sure she had seen everything. He had never thought about what her reaction would be, he just opened she found it just as beautiful as he did.

He followed her to the bedroom, where his bed and wardrobe were standing against the walls. There was a nightstand with a lamp on it next to the bed and well, that was it. The room wasn't that big to put anything else in it. There was a small kitchen, a living room, a toilet and then there was a bathroom next to his room. The apartment was big enough for his own, he was happy with it.

"What do you think?"

Clara jumped by hearing his voice so all of the sudden, turning around to see Dylan standing in the doorway. She blushed slightly, shrugging her shoulders with a smile, "I mean, it's your apartment. What am I supposed to say? I'm happy if you're happy."

"That's not really an opinion."

"No, maybe not," she sat down on the bed, nervously playing with her fingers. If there was something she wasn't good at, it was giving her opinion especially at moments like this. Why would he want to know how she liked his apartment? It was his apartment, not hers and it also wasn't like she was going to move in with him. "But it's how I feel."

He tucked his hands in his jeans pockets, leaning against the door frame while looking into her light blue eyes. "So, you're happy if I'm happy?"

Ugh, he did make it sound so more romantic than she meant it. How was she ever going to explain what she meant without embarrassing herself?

"Well, yes, but... more in the-... you know, the way I meant it," the hand gestures she was doing wasn't going to help in any way and the stammering, yeah. Not really. It made her began to giggle, something she wouldn't been doing if Dylan hadn't been there for her. "Don't talk to me. Don't even look at me, I'm stupid."

He laughed, shaking her head as he walked away from her.

Alright, maybe he did expect her reaction to be more than that, but at least she was smiling. And he would do anything to see her smile. It was strange how  a simple girl could make him so crazy about her in a week. Well, she wasn't simple. She was absolutely confusing, sometimes he wished there was a manual describing how she worked. It was absolutely hilarious but he loved it.

When he opened the refrigerator to grab something to drink for the both of them, he heard a loud giggle coming from the bedroom. "Oh, shit... I mean, ehm-... Whatever."

That's what he meant with needing a manual. He didn't know if she was talking to herself right now or if she was talking to him, maybe she was calling someone at the moment. "Clara?"


He grabbed a water bottle, walking back to the bedroom to see her lying on the bed. She waved at him innocently, giggling as heat flowed to her cheeks. "Are you comfortable?"

"Never felt any better."

"That's good," he handed her the water while sitting down on the other side of the bed. Of course she would be feeling sleepy, it was almost 10 o'clock and plus she had to go to school tomorrow. With everything going on, she deserved a good night of sleep but he also didn't want her to leave. "What do you want to be when you graduate?"

She rolled on her side to look at him. "I've always wanted to help people, take care of people because that's what I'm good at. I realized I wanted to be a guidance counselor. I find it interesting."


"Don't get all personal with me," she sighed, shrugging at him until she sat up, leaning her chin into the palm of her hand. "You're always questioning me about everything. I don't even know as much about you as much as you know about me and I don't like it."

"What do you want to know?" he sniggered, holding her hand to play with it. "There's nothing really interesting about me."

"Of course there is. Tell me something I don't know, I'm starting to get curious."

And then he started talking, when he started talking he couldn't stop talking. He wanted her to realize he better than any other guy she ever had a crush on, how much they actually they were alike if you looked closely. "There a so many geeky things about me. Generally geeky. Like, I mean, I'm a big geek about Baseball. The mets, you know the Mets?"  She shook her head. Of course she didn't, she disliked sports. "I geek about X-Factor and Stars Wars. Have you ever watched Star Wars?" Again she shook her head. "I'll make you watch it. But you know, like I said I geek about everything."

"Is that all?"

"No, I'm going to take my time, whether you like it or not."

He told her about how much he wanted to be Spiderman, that Spiderman was his favorite super hero. It was something they had in common, because it was one of Clara's favorite movies. How he got the part on Teen Wolf, about the other movies he played in and how he played the drums in  band when he was younger, Slow Kids At Play. He could play the piano, the guitar. But he wasn't good at singing.

"Oh my gosh, please teach me how to play an instrument."

"I'm still talking."

"I'm just saying," she laughed at his sassiness, gazing at him as continued talking about himself. He was absolutely perfect; he was sweet, caring and-... He was gorgeous. He had big biceps what nobody could at school could compare to and she bet he even had amazing abs. His eyes though, his brown eyes were her favorite thing about him-...

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Is that a trick question?"  she giggled innocently, biting her lip to stop but didn't work. She couldn't even stand up to run away before he started tickling her. Laughing, yelling and screaming for him to stop, he didn't listen.  "No, no, Dylan, please. I'm begging you."

"Well, that's just too bad."

"No, stop. What do you want me to do? I'll do anything, I promise!"

"Still not interested."

She quickly grasped for his hands to stop him and catch her breath, staring at him with a big smile on her face. "Still not interested?"

"No, but I guess I don't have a choice to stop."

"Indeed," she watched him lie down beside her, pulling her into her against him. She sighed, putting her head on his chest to hear his heart beating. "Because I rule the world."

"So you're the queen now?"

"Yes. You want to be the king?" she smiled, closing her eyes. She felt so good and warm in his arms. She wished she could stay there, she wished she could be with him. "Everyone needs someone to protect them."

"Are you one of them?"

"No, I can take care of myself."

"Are you one of them?" he asked again, because he obviously didn't like her answer. And maybe he was right, she needed him a little more than she thought she would.

"Who knows."

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