chapter twenty-nine; i dig that

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Clara was already awake before the alarm clock on her phone went off and she hoping she wouldn't disturb people in their sleep when getting ready. Crystal was luckily still lying there, arms hugging her pillow and murmuring. Holland was lying almost in the same position but it was looked less comfortable  on the floor and with Seana lying right next to her.

Carefully standing up from the bed, she tiptoed her way to the kitchen where she noticed Dylan standing by the counter, doing exactly what she was about to do, making breakfast for now and lunch for school . "Dylan, hey. I thought you were asleep."

"Sit down," he smiled, gesturing to take a seat on a chair at the dinner table. He was talking quietly, almost whispering to her when he handed her a sandwich and it made her stomach tingle. His voice was so sexy when he did that and the stubbles on his face weren't helping either. "I didn't want you to be the only one to be up so early. I can give you a ride-..."

"No, no. Please don't. I already figured out what bus I have to take," she cut in, shaking her head and took a bite. "You already made me breakfast, lunch. God, I even went to sleep in your bed because you wanted me to. I can take care of myself."

"Yeah, and you're stubborn."

"Yeah, right. But that's not stopping me from going with the bus," she gave him a sleepy smile, leaning her chin in the palm of her hand. "If you don't mind of course."

"No, it's fine. It was just an offer," he shook his head and turned around to continue what he was doing. And maybe it was a reason have her with him for a little longer or maybe he also wanted to see Jesse's face when he saw them together in the car, but she didn't have to know that. "It's your own choice."

"Choices make me uncomfortable."

"I know."

She stood up with a smile when she had finished her sandwich, walking out of the kitchen, back to the bedroom. It was where she carefully changed into her clothes, went to brush her teeth and remove the makeup under her eyes from the day before. She then used Crystal's mascara, did her hair, put on the necklace and then went to search for her shoes in the living room.

Tyler was still sleeping and it didn't look nice in the position he was lying, but better than Holland who was lying on the floor. Why did she ever agreed to use the bed? Seriously, their bodies would be aching more than they did after playing Twister.

Clara grabbed her shoes from the ground and tried putting them while standing but almost fell. She hit her knee against the table, cursing in hissed voice when she did so.

It made the black-haired boy groan, moving the sheets over his head.

She quickly ran back on her tiptoes before she did actually wake him up, giggling against her hand that she put on her mouth. "You have no idea how thankful I am, I'm not the only one to be up when everyone's sleeping. You're amazing.  Oh my God. This is so stressful."

"What happened?"

"I hit my knee against the table and he almost woke up."

He chuckled quietly, putting her lunch into a paper bag and then handed it to her. Then he began to make himself a sandwich. "Is your knee alright?" 

Clara nodded and turned to look at the clock, it was half past 7 and that meant she had to leave before she would be too late to get the bus, too late for school. But didn't want to go, she wanted to stay with Dylan. Going to school meant being alone and face Jesse, plus she had to do her work. With Dylan she felt better, she felt safe.

"I've to go."

"I figured."

She nodded her head once again, standing on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck to hug him goodbye. He kissed her cheek, pulling even closer and sighed.

"You don't have to go, you know."

"Yes, I do."

"I can still give you a ride."

"I know, but I can survive on my own."

"What if I say I'll be picking you up after?"

"No, not going to happen. I've to do my homework."

"You can do your homework here," his lips touched her ear, causing her shiver and heat to flow to her cheeks. The things he did to her. "I can make you dinner, you can stay the night-..."

He held her gently, yet firmly so she wouldn't let go, which she had to eventually. "I can't do that, not again. It's a school week."

"How about next Friday? We can have cook together."

She giggled and pushed him off of her, rolling her eyes as she already took a few steps back. "You've stop now, because I can't promise you anything. I'll text you, okay?"

"No, call me."

"I'll call you. See, that I can promise" she winked, turned around and grabbed her bag. She then jogged to the front door before closed it behind her before she could change her mind. Why did she have to leave?


Walking through the halls, the first thing she did was to go to her locker. Usually she didn't use her locker, she would've dumped her books into Hayley's and leave them there until she needed them but now she didn't have a choice. Hayley was gone and she deal with it on her own.

She took all her books out of her bag and wanted put away half, but jumped by hearing a sudden voice. It was Jesse, standing aside of her with his body leaning against the locker with a grin on his face. "Hey birthday girl, how did you like my present?"

"It was amazing, those cookies are so delicious," she forced a smile, closing her bag. Why was he around more than a month ago? She wasn't sure if she wanted to know. What she was sure about was that she wanted to leave as quick as possible, but now at least she could thank him for her gift, however he knew when her birthday was. "Thank you. You really-..."

"What's this necklace? I thought you didn't like wearing one."

"How do you know that?"

"I just guessed, you never wear any accessories," he shrugged his shoulders, sniggering at her as he touched the necklace. She moved away slyly because she didn't want him to. He noticed and let go, fortunately for her. "But then again, you're not like the other girls-..."

"Yes, I'm not like other girls. You're not like other guys. Everyone's different from anyone."

"Okay, you're right," a slight smile appeared on his face, pushing himself from the lockers when he noticed someone walk past him. She didn't know his name. "Most of the time, because you're smart. I dig that."

"Thank you, I guess."

"It's a good thing, yeah," he mumbled and running a hand through his dark blonde hair to calm himself down.  "And it's good you liked my cookies. I did my best to search them in Walmart-..."

"You work there."

"I'm trying to make it seem like I did my best on it, but yeah... I got them for free."

"I'm keeping quiet," a laugh left her mouth, jumping in surprise by hearing the bell which meant she could finally go. She gestured with her hand to the crowd of people, taking a few steps back before closing her locker. "I have to go now. Good luck in class."

"I don't need the luck, but I'll see you."

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