Chapter thirty-six; girl in towel

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"So, what are you going to do?"

Tyler leaned over so their friends who were sitting around the table couldn't listen along. It had been bugging him days now, but he wasn't ready to tell her yet. If she was ready to hear it yet. The last one was the most important; if it was too early, she would freak out and push him away-... Would she really push him away?

He didn't know her that well, did he?

However, he wouldn't want anything bad to happen because of him.


"You know she is on her way to yours, right?" Before his friend could hear anything else, he shook his head as a sign for him to shut up. Dylan wasn't in the mood to talk, he knew she was on her way to his apartment. That she would prepare dinner, that his bed would be covered with books and papers again and that if she had time she would take a shower when he would be home. He knew. But that wasn't helping him, it was freaking him out even more and if he had to shoot a scene in a few minutes, he had to focus. He had put her aside and just... focus.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm aware of that. Thanks."

"Okay, well... whatever," the black haired boy shrugged, sitting up and continued to eat. Holland cocked an eyebrow at him, wanting to know what was going on without asking but he shook his head. He turned back to Dylan, "I'm here to help you, man."

"It's fine, I can handle it." He forced a smile, changing the subject because he knew if they didn't stop it, Holland would find out. "What are we doing tonight, again? There was a movie in theatres?"

"Yeah, there is," she smiled, proudly putting a piece of chicken into her mouth. "A Zac Efron movie, 'That Awkward Moment'."

"Did the trailer look fun or is it because of Zac Efron?"

A smirk found itself on her face as she sipped from the bottle of water that she was holding in her hand. "Do I need to answer that? I can't imagine a girl wanting to see Zac Efron shirtless. He's cute and-..."

"He has abs."

"I have abs," Tyler pulled up his shirt, flashing his amazing built stomach as he pointed at the strawberry blonde. "But not as amazing as Zac Efron's. Come on, the guy was in High School Musical, he has stolen every little girl's heart."

"Your abs are great, bro," Dylan patted his friend's shoulder, causing him to do back the same.

"That's really sweet of you, man. Thanks."

Holland put another piece of chicken into her mouth, swallowing it as she thoughtfully looked at the boys. "We know that Crystal's celebrity crushes are Justin Timberlake and Orlando Bloom, I kind of like Joshua Jackson, then there is Seana who into-..."


"Let's say Tyler Posey," she laughed. "Tyler is into Emma Watson. Dylan thinks Selena Gomez is hot, but then there's Clara. Who's her celebrity crush?"

"She's never talked about it. I know she's into fictional characters like Seth Cohen, or what's his name?"

"I don't know. Where's he from? I recognize that name from somewhere."

"The O.C," Dylan grinned, finishing is plate of food and then shove it away from him. Clara had talked about it with him on the phone yesterday, she was re-watching the TV show all over again now that she had nothing else to do in the breaks at school. He had offered if it maybe was a good idea to sit with classmates, but she didn't want to. "It was on TV in 2003. It's her favorite TV show, after Teen Wolf."

"Interesting. Isn't he a sort of like Stiles?"


"And Stiles is like you?"

"I guess so."

"Which means she is into guys like you?"

He stood up with a smile, patting his friend's shoulder and then winked at Holland. "Yes, that looks like it. But I'll you both around because I have a scene to shoot. Wish me luck."

"Oh, good luck!"


Dylan was glad he finally got home, opening the front door in a quick movement and throwing his keys on the coffee table. He went to the kitchen, where the smell of the food came from, to check if she was there. But she wasn't.

The only two options were that she was in the shower or sitting on his bed now, concentrating on her homework that she wanted to finish before going out with their friends. So, he let it be, noticing that the timer would go off any minute and curiously looked at the dish that was lying in the oven. Oh, she had made burritos.

He grabbed a bottle of beer, taking a sip at the same time Clara walked in wearing nothing but a towel around her body. His eyes grew wide, but not just because of that. She grabbed the mitts, about to put them on to safely open the oven like she wasn't even afraid the towel was going to unwrap itself and she would be standing here naked in front of him. No, she was too busy to think about something like that.

"Babe, are you sure?"

"Yes-- No-- I don't know." Then, she basically threw the mitts at him, walking away, towards the bedroom. He could hear the deep groan of frustration leaving her mouth. "Make sure you don't burn yourself."

"If you make sure to change into clothes, instead of doing everything in just a towel."

"Don't tell me what to do."

He chuckled silently and set the baking sheet on the counter. He put one burrito on her plate, then one for himself and sat down at the table as he waited for her to come back with actual clothes on. Although he didn't complain, she looked amazing wearing just a towel, but for her own sake-... Or didn't she mind he saw her naked?  This wasn't the first time she saw her in only a towel.

A grin tugged on the corners of his mouth.

Clara sat down, beginning to eat from the delicious burrito and raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you smirking at?"

"I'm not smirking."

"Smiling then."

"I just think you're beautiful," he saved himself, shrugging his shoulders as if it was nothing and took a sip from the bottle of beer. He noticed her rolling her eyes, but she did smile slightly. "Do you want to talk about your day?"


"Talk in general?"


Wow. Dylan had never seen her like this. He bet it had to do with that she was so busy, that she had so much to do because they decided to go out on a work day, or school day. And it was totally alright with how she was acting. If there was a place she could be herself, he wanted it to be with him.

"But I can talk, right, so will you listen?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

And he started to tell her things about what he had done today, not about the scenes he had to shoot of course, because he wouldn't want to her give any spoilers. Sometimes she rolled her eyes, sometimes she just stared at him with her bright blue eyes, and sometimes she commented, but most importantly, she laughed. 

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