Chapter 3

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*Beep Beep Beep*

Camille's alarm went of at 6:00 am.

I only got 5 hours of sleep. I feel like shit.

She got up and went to her closet. She put on her gym clothes and a sweatshirt and headed to the bathroom. She put her hair in a quick ponytail and headed out the door to the gym.

Camille walked in the gym and took her place at a treadmill. She was the only person in the gym. She put in her headphones and turned on the treadmill. After about 15 minutes of running, she was still going, singing along very loudly to "Let it Go".  A boy walked into the gym, and Camille didn't notice until he came around the corner, laughing at her singing. She saw him and ripped out her headphones, blushing furiously. She forgot that she was running and stopped dead in her tracks, only to fall off the back of the treadmill. The boy continued to laugh even harder, and Camille started to laugh too.

The boy held out his hand to help her up. "Are you alright?" he asks in a thick English accent.

"Yeah I think, other than just humiliating myself." she laughed.

He laughed too. She finally got to take a good look at him. He was very cute. She thought he looked familiar, but she had probably just seen him at the gym before.

"Well, it was nice to meet you."

"You too," she said, feeling her cheeks get warm.

She got back on the treadmill and hit start, this time leaving her headphones out of her ears. He walked over to the bench press and took off his shirt. Camille's jaw dropped. He had perfect abs, and she couldn't stop staring. Tom looked at her and she looked away,
pretending that she didn't do anything. He just smiled.

After a few hours, Camille was packing up her things and was just about to head out, when the boy walked up to her.

"It was fun hanging out with you today! Maybe I'll see you around?" he asked.

"Maybe you will," she said smiling. She grabbed her bag and headed out to her car. It was already 11:00 and she wanted to get home. She hopped in her car and drove off.

She walked inside her apartment and realized how bad she smelled. She decided to take a nice warm shower and then watch some tv. She put on a comfy t-shirt and pajama pants, and then turned on the tv and opened up Netflix. She decided to have a Stranger Things marathon until she had to get ready.

At 8:26 pm, Camille had finished the last episode and went to go get ready. She put on white jean shorts and a maroon crop top. She put her hair in a bun and sat down on the couch to wait for Rosie.

At 8:53, there was a knock on the door. Camille went to go open it.

"Are you ready?" Rosie asked excitedly.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Camille sighed and grabbed her phone and keys and headed out the door behind Rosie. The movie theater was only ten minutes away from Camille's house, so they only had a short drive.

A/N: can you guess who the boy is? (hint: it's pretty damn obvious 😂)
can't wait for chapter 4!

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