Chapter 4

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{A/N: I haven't actually seen spiderman homecoming yet oops😬 I'm seeing it tomorrow so I wont include any movie scenes bc idk any😂}

The girls walked side by side into the theater and up to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets for Spider-man: Homecoming please!" Camille said, a little to excitedly. Rosie gave her a weird look but Camille just shrugged her shoulders at her. They collected their tickets and walked to the snack booth. They got a large popcorn and two large slushies, and walked down the hall and into the room.

They took their seats in the way back of the theater. They were running a bit late so the movie was just starting. They got a few minutes into the movie and Camille saw Peter Parker again. She decided to ask Rosie who he was.

"Rosie," she whispered, "who is the actor that plays Peter Parker?"

"Tom Holland," Rosie said loudly, with a mouthful of popcorn. The couple sitting next to them shushed her.

"He's pretty cute."

"Ooh, Camille!! You've got a thing for Tom Holland!" Rosie whispered.

"Shut up Rosie! I do not!" Camille slapped Rosie, resulting in another shush from the couple.

After the movie the girls hopped in Rosie's car and drove back to Camille's apartment.

"Hey Rosie, wanna sleepover at my place tonight?" Camille asked, stepping out of the car.

"Yeah that sounds fun!" Rosie turned off the car and got out. The girls both shut the car doors and Rosie locked the car as they walked up into Camille's apartment. They took their shoes off at the door, walked up to Camille's room, and both flopped down on her bed.

"So, Cam, besides Tom Holland, are there any boys in your life?"

"Well, there was this guy that I met at the gym this morning, and he was super sweet and he was pretty hot," Camille blushed.

"Ooh what was his name?"

"I'm not sure, he didn't tell me,"

"Come on Camille! Why didn't you ask?"

"I don't know! I panicked I guess!" Camille said nervously. Rosie sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, maybe we can go to the gym tomorrow morning and he might be there!"

"Cam, that's a great idea!"

"Well, we better go to bed, because we are getting up at 6:00 am." Rosie groaned. Camille just laughed and threw her a spare pair of pajamas. The girls both changed and crawled into bed.

"How cute was he?"

"Rosie, shut up and go to sleep."

The next day

*Beep Beep Beep*

Camille got up and shut her alarm off. Even though she only got 5 hours of sleep again, she felt great. She was very well rested and energized. She walked over to Rosie's side of the bed and shook her awake.

"Rosie come on, wake up! We're gonna be late and miss the cute boy!" Rosie groaned and got up, rubbing her eyes.

"Cam, the sun's not even up yet," Rosie said and fell back onto the pillow.

"This is what time he gets there, otherwise we'll miss him!" She dragged Rosie out of bed and gave her some gym clothes. The girls got ready and put their hair in ponytails and headed out.

They got to the gym and walked in the door. Camille head straight for the bench press, figuring that the boy would want to use it and this would give her an excuse to talk to him. Rosie looked very lost and eventually decided on the treadmill. After about 30 minutes, they switched. As Camille was running, she started to wonder where the boy was. Yesterday he was there by then. She figured he just woke up late or got stuck in traffic. She turned on some music (without headphones so Rosie could hear) and eventually they were both singing along to Despacito and forgetting that the boy still wasn't there. They were singing for hours and then went to throw some punches at the punching bag. They were still singing and having lots of fun, but then Camille realized that the boy still wasn't there. She stopped punching and turned off the music.

"Hey! Why'd you turn it off?"

"He never showed up," Camille said sadly, "lets just go home." The girls grabbed their things and went home to shower.

After they were both out of the shower, they got dressed, and Camille was about to turn on the tv when Rosie said, "Hey, it's still early, wanna go get some coffee?"

"Sure, why not." Camille said. Rosie could tell she was upset about the boy not being there.

"Hey, come here, it's ok," Rosie said, pulling Camille into a hug.

"Thanks, Rosie," Camille said as they walked out the door and down to Café Latte.

A/N: I know some people wanted them to be longer so I tried to make this one as long as possible. Leave comments on how I can improve!
Also I'm sorry if I make a spelling or grammar mistake, I have noticed quite a few so far.

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