Chapter 7

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Camille somehow arrived before Tom, so she hopped out of her car and walked inside to take a seat at her usual table with Rosie.

After a few minutes she started to wonder where Tom was. She looked out the window and there was a huge mob and it was coming toward the door. A man in a hoodie with his hood up opened the door and walked away from the mob. He pulled down his hood, and it was Tom. He scanned the room and finally spotted Camille and made his way over to her.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Camille asked.

"Oh that was just some of my fans,"

"Your... fans?"

"Yeah. I got a lot of fans after my movie."

And finally, something clicked.

Oh my god. This is Tom Holland. Tom Freaking Holland. And I'm on a date with him! Or wait, not a date.

"Oh yeah that's right, sorry." Camille said, shocked.

"You didn't know that I was Tom Holland, did you." Tom asked. Camille shook her head and blushed. Tom just laughed.

"Well Camille, should we go order?" The two got up and walked over to the counter.

"Hey Cam, wanna split a piece of Raspberry Turtle Cheesecake?" Tom asked, looking at the menu.

"Sure!" Camille said. She then walked up to the barista and placed her order.

"One small caramel iced latte with three sugars, one slice of the raspberry turtle cheesecake, and...." she trailed off and looked at Tom.

"And one one large hot english tea please." Tom said, taking out his wallet. Camille dug in her purse and pulled out a twenty.

"Oh don't worry, love. I'll take care of it."

"Tom, really, you don't have to do that."

"No, it's my treat,"

"Thank you," Camille said and smiled. Camille grabbed her coffee and the cheesecake and Tom grabbed his tea and they sat down at their table.

"So, Camille, what do you do for a living?" Tom asked.

"Well, at the moment I'm just a waitress, but I was a competition dancer ever since I was three and I'm trying to make that into a career." Camille said.

"That's amazing. You know, I was a dancer when I was young."

"Really? That's super cool."

Camille and Tom continued to talk for hours and really started to develop a connection, but Camille still couldn't help but think about the girl he was with yesterday. She tried to ignore it but she couldn't stop.

"Hey, Tom?"

"Yes, darling?" Camille's heart skipped a beat when he called her 'darling'.

"Are you dating anyone?"

"Nope," he said. Camille sat, looking confused.

"I saw you here yesterday, and you were kissing some girl."

"Oh, that's nothing, don't worry about it."

"It certainly didn't seem like nothing."

"Trust me, it's not something to worry about."

"Okay," Camille said and tried to brush it off, but something wasn't adding up.

Eventually they both had to go because Camille had to work today and Tom had plans with a friend of his. They got up, threw away their drinks, and walked together to their cars.

"Well, it was great hanging out with you today." Camille said.

"You too. I'll see you again tomorrow morning?"

"For sure." Camille said. Before they got in their cars, Tom kissed her on the cheek. Camille smiled, they exchanged their goodbyes, and got in her car.

As soon as Tom pulled away in his car, she screamed a little bit.

Oh my god oh my god! Tom Holland just kissed me on the cheek!

Camille got out her phone to text Rosie.

Camille🤘🏼: Hey Ro, guess what?
Rosie🕷: What?
Camille🤘🏼: I got Gym Boy's name.
Rosie🕷: What is it?
Camille🤘🏼: Tom Holland.
Rosie🕷: OMG WHAT?!
Camille🤘🏼: Yep. And then he took me out for coffee. And right before we left he kissed me on the cheek.

Camille smiled, put her phone away, and drove home to get ready for work.

A/N: I wrote this one at 3 am so I hope its good oops😂

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