Chapter 6

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*Beep Beep Beep*

Why do I do this to myself. I wake up at 6:00 am every day, why do I feel the need to stay up until 3:00 am?

Camille climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and she had bags under her eyes from not sleeping. Her eyes were also red and puffy from crying.

Wait, why was I crying? Oh, that's right. Gym Boy and his girlfriend.

She hopped in the shower and washed her hair. When she got out she french braided her hair and put on a little bit of water proof makeup so she didn't look as bad. She threw on her gym clothes and climbed into the car.

When she got to the gym it was completely empty again, and the lights were even off. She walked inside, turned the lights on, and made her way over to the treadmill.

As soon as she started, Gym Boy walked in. Luckily, he was alone, no girlfriend. When he made eye contact with Camille, he smiled and waved. She waved back and turned off the treadmill.

"Hey! You know, I didn't get your name last time," said Gym Boy.

"I'm Camille."

"I'm Tom," he said. Camille swore that name sounded familiar. She just shrugged it off and continued the conversation.

"Well Tom, I better get back to my running and hope I don't fall off again," Camille said and Tom laughed. She hopped back on the treadmill and and Tom made his way to the bench press again.

After a few hours they both finished up and grabbed their bags. As Camille was walking out the door, Tom stopped her again.

"Hey, would you maybe, uhm..... Do you wanna go grab a coffee with me?" he asked nervously.

Camille smiled, "Sure, that would be great." They both hopped in their cars and started to make their way over to Café Latte.

Oh shit, I hope I'm not too sweaty and don't smell to bad.

Camille reached in her bag and grabbed her deodorant. As she was putting it on, Tom looked over from his car and laughed. Camille blushed and threw the deodorant back in her bag and drove off.

A/N: Short one for now, I will write a few chapters tonight to publish later.

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