Chapter 5

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{A/N: huge shoutout to TomHollandIsMyMom for helping me write this chapter and think of ideas!}

"One small caramel iced latte with three sugars please,"

"One hot chocolate please,"

The barista came back with their drinks and they took a seat at their usual table. The girls mostly sat in silence, looking at their phones, which is very unlike them.

"Hey, I'm sorry for dragging you along today, I really thought he would be there," Camille said.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault, and we had fun,"

"I know I just--" suddenly Rosie got a phone call.

"Hello? Dad? What's wrong....."

"Oh no!! Is she okay? What happened?"

"I'll be there in an hour." Rosie hung up the phone.

"Camille, my mom is really sick and was just diagnosed with cancer. I have to leave for a few days. Will you be okay?"

"Yes I will be fine and I'm so sorry about your mom. Now go see her," Camille said. Rosie got up and ran to her car and drove off.

Camille sat there for a few minutes, and just as she was about to leave, a couple walked in.

Do I know him?..... Oh my god! It's the boy from the gym! Wait, who is that girl that he's with?

They got their coffees and took a seat close enough so Camille could hear them but they couldn't see her. She was listening to their conversation and trying to figure out what the girl just said, when he leaned in and kissed her.

Oh, they must be dating. She thought, and a frown came across her face. She didn't think she could listen anymore, so she got up, threw away her coffee, and turned around to take one last look at them before walking out the door.

When she got outside, she pulled out her phone and texted Rosie as she walked home.

Camille🤘🏼: I just saw gym boy.....
Rosie🕷: And ?!
Camille🤘🏼: And he was making out with some girl.
Rosie🕷: Oh honey I'm sorry.
Camille🤘🏼: It's okay. I'll let you go so you can drive.

She put away her phone as she walked inside her apartment. She put on her pajamas and watched Food Network until she fell asleep......

A/N: Sorry this was a short one, but Chapter 6 will be exciting!

Coffee Dates & Choices {Tom Holland}Where stories live. Discover now