author's note

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***A/N:  hey guys,

apologies for the wait on antivenom (and all my other WIPs lmao) :(  i've been working on school stuff as well as a few other ideas i've been fleshing out/toying around with, but i will start working on the next update when my workload becomes a bit more manageable (read:  when i stop procrastinating my history notes :p).

in the meantime, i have waaaaaaaayyyyy too many ideas and i need to share them with someone (even if that someone is the void, i do have a friend i've been bouncing these off of and she's super-awesome but some third or fourth opinions are much appreciated), hence the creation of this book.  in addition to my notes i'm also posting a few snippets, and please comment feedback!  (you can also DM me--i don't get too many of those on this site, so that'd be a lovely surprise :D)***

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