-Daily Task- [Jimin]

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Music I used: All Mine-ONEOKROCK

[A/N]-So I wanted to do one where Jimin is scared of something so I did! I made this more of a serious event than omorashi lol but included it!

I just wanted to tell ya guys this is a super short one like 600-700 words. I didn't want to make a long one because I felt like it wasn't a good way to start off this series of one-shots.

Jimin set his foot down on a small rock as he continued to walk down the crumbled road. His eyes flashed on the pillars of collapsed trash cans and broken glass. He forward on to proceed his walk until he was face to face with a cat. He almost screamed at the sudden burst- but let himself ease up once the animal fled. His pace was quickened and cautious after the incident. He looked at each corner practically eye-fucking the streets of Seoul.

"Holy shit," a bitter laugh escaped his mouth; "Stupid cat." With each step Jimin could take he could feel every single fucking sense he had sting with urgency. He was sure that someone was following him, and if so he really didn't want to find out who.

He chapped his lips together and let his tongue play around in his mouth. It had hit him that was no where close to the dorm; he didn't understand why he didn't just take staff with him. His thoughts got ahead of him and he did what he thought was right. He pulled out his phone and pretended to dial a number and held the phone close to his ear.

"Oh yeah, hyung. Your around to corner? Okay, I'll be there soon." His back was against a building and he had sight of both ways of the sidewalk. He almost froze in his spot. His mouth watered. There it was, A fucking clown. The asshole dressed up in the costume and had the freakiest makeup and clothing Jimin has ever seen. Jimin hated clowns. The thought of it was demented and just one way to fuck up your kids childhood.

His breathing became heavy and almost strangled as he forced himself to calm down; trying to tell himself it was just a stupid prank that a teenager was pulling. So he huffed a sigh and walked forward not minding the imitating footsteps behind him. He had so many reasons why he wasn't going stick up to the thing. One being, he wasn't going to let himself scream like a little girl in front of it.

Jimin wasn't being entirely honest. He didn't just hate clowns, he despised them. The whole was terrifying but annoying. His fingertips barely touched the fabric of his jeans. This wasn't the best time to need a bathroom. "Fuck you. Fuck you, go fuck yourself for all I care." He inwardly told his bladder; wishing that he didn't have one.

All it took was a simple whisper in his ears to get him stiff. He felt goosebumps cover his body at the strangers words.

"Want to have sex? Pretty boy."

Jimin would have dropped to his knees if it wasn't for the wall next to him. All while; he could feel everything in his body let go..., including his bladder. The hot urine soaking across from pale blue jeans darkened only so evenly to the point that hissing was heard bathing the concrete underneath. Like wind, Jimin ran. He paid no mind to anything; not to the fact that he was pissing, not even that a clown wanted to have sex...with him.

This may have been one of the more humiliating yet horrifying experiences in his life.


So even when liquid was still pouring out of him he still made an effort to get as far away as possible from the thing that most likely just ruined Korea for him. This time he dialed the first number he could think of instead of acting as so.


"C-Come get me...p-please. I don't know I-If he's following me..." Jimin wiped his eyes and checked his surroundings.

"Huh? Who's following you Jiminie?" Taehyungs voice grew urgent.

"I-I...Just please....c-come pick me up..!" Jimin screamed the location in seconds and with some possibility Taehyung caught it and told everyone around him. Jimin was just happy he was okay...he hadn't noticed his pants until now and panicked. He had no jacket to hide the mess. If anything that should be the last thing he was supposed to think about but his image got the better of him and he used his backpack to hid the stain. If he was going to be honest he still needed to piss but he wanted to be gone from the area so wasn't moving an inch until staff came to pick him up.

His socks and shoes were soaked so that was a problem...there was no hiding that from staff or any of the members; might as well tell the truth than lie. {I like how the song lie comes on when I'm making this}


Jimin ran in the van at sight of everyone. He just started to cry and cry. He felt comfortable once he got to the dorm and was clean, He was snuggled against the youngest member without words. He didn't really know how explain this situation...


Told ya it was short.

QOTD: What was your most awkward experience with a stranger?





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