Forgive Me Hyung (Don't Cry) -Jungkook-

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Authors note: it's been a while....I had nothing else to post but someone requested I do someone that doesn't have approval for a toilet, so I did Jimin being locked out the restroom by Jungkook as a joke :)

Music I used: The Reluctant Heroes; Attack On Titan


Jimin really needs to go—oh god he's about ready to burst. It's Jungkook that's holding him up.

"Jungkook, please!" He yells out, Jungkook still giggling. The younger had stayed in the bathroom just to torture him. "You should have thought about ignoring me all day, especially when I was feeling sad." His voice lowers and turns serious for a moment.

Tears are stinging Jimin's eyes. "I'm sorry, what do you want? Just let me go!" Jimin can hear Jungkook's smirk. "I didn't know you were that desperate." Jimin growls, eyes averting. "Of course I am! I have been since morning, but now I can't hold it. So hurry up." The tone of the older's voice is fragil and soft, topped from the raspy outcome.

"Nah, later." Jimin is done. "Taehyung!" He outright screams and Jungkook snorts. Taehyung rushes over slipping in the process. "Jiminie—are you okay?" Taehyung feels his heart melt at sight of Jimin's watery eyes. "I need to go." Voice cracking, insufferable. Taehyung bangs on the door. "Who's in here." He asks, and Jungkook laughs evilly. "Jungkook, if a single tear runs down Jimin's face I will kick this door down." Jungkook mumbles something, and Jimin sighs heavily. "Taehyung–can't we just go to the store, I won't make it if he stay in there another minute." Sometimes Taehyung doesn't get his best friend, wouldn't it take longer to go to the store if he was so on edge?

"Oh god!" Jimin mutters, pacing around the room. His discomfort is so obvious that the other members took notice. "Makane, just let him go. You don't see us hogging the bathroom when your about to piss yourself." Seokjin yells from the kitchen. Jungkook sighs, "That's not fair, hyung treated me poorly today." Jimin scoffs. "That's because I get pushed around like this each day, wouldn't you get tired of it too?" The door unlocks and Jimin couldn't be any happier. Jungkook peeks through and apologizes. "I don't care, now move." Jimin swings open the door and Jungkook steps aside. The door slams on Jungkook's face and is quickly locked.

His belt is so tight, it hurts.

It's now that everything has to fall, isn't it. Just looking at the toilet causes his bladder to relax. Not yet, he wants to cry. Technically he is, with all the tears falling to the floor. A sob escapes his mouth and Jimin knows that they can hear everything. His damp clothing is sticking to his skin, becoming wetter and wetter. At this point his belt is thrown to the floor and his hands are being soaked with urine he didn't even realize was coming out. A muffled moan is heard, he couldn't give in now. His fucking zipper. Why, why, why?!

He unlock's the door and practically begs someone to help him, because right now his hands are shacking so much that it's imposible. His blood is boiling, but his member was tampering and spreading like lava. "Please—please." Taehyung could only watch, Jungkook was the one to be useful at this point. He pulls down the zipper with force in seconds and leads Jimin to the toilet. The older tries to contain himself, but pee is fucking everywhere. Jungkook pulls out the boy's running dick, Jimin takes matters into his own hands and relaxes. Even with his pants completely bleed through, and floor filled with warm piss; he still manages to release more than enough liquid. His sobbing, face covered with one arm and hand aiming in the other.

"Woah, what happened?" Yoongi walks across the hallway, avoiding the small puddles. Jimin leans against the doorframe uncontrollably crying. Even the other members are walking over because the soft sounds are worring, especially since it's Park Jimin. The bundle of people make Jungkook feel insecure. It's when the flow is stopped that the room on met with tears stroking the third youngest face. Taehyung finally goes stops to comfort his friend, holding him by the side not caring if his dick was still out. "All of you. Get out." Hoseok is surprised himself for Jimin to be so angry, since he's so cute.

They leave and Jimin strips everything, throwing it inside a basket of his dirty clothes.

He quickly turns on the shower and lets himself slowly slip to the ground. He could no longer cry, only the sounds were available. He brings his knees to his chest. He's so disgusting, how's could he make anyone see himself so pathetic. He arose to wash his body, hoping the smell would come off. Jimin leaves the shower running and steps out, grabbing bits of toilet paper and wiping the floor. His cheeks are flushed, lips slightly parted, and cock swollen and soft.

His eyes are watering again. Oh shit—he needs new clothes. Jimin turns off the water and unlocks the door once more. He finds Jungkook to be waiting outside, and a floor that was being cleaned. Before Jimin can shut the door, it's blocked by Jungkook's foot. A towel is wrapped around Jimin's waist. *inserts DNA intro* "Stop, I know I screwed up—here just change everyone wants to talk. The older takes the clothes and changes, running out of the room wanting avoid and not exchange a single word, but Jimin feels his hand latched onto by a warm hand. "Please,"  It's Tae and his eyes are filled with concern.


So they do talk, but Jimin can't help but want to cry. He can't speak without his voice cracking or eyes watering up. "Jungkook wants to say something to you," Their leader announces. Hoseok shoves Jungkook and he gets up to sit next to Jimin. He looks him in the eye with each word. "I'm extremely sorry, hyung. I got ahead of myself, I'm also sorry for everything else I've done. I'm s-so so sorry." The youngest rubs his eyes and huddled into Jimin's chest. Their both left to sob in one another's arms, feeling weak and tired.

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