Stuck with Myself [Jeon Jungkook] Pt. 2

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Music I Used - Fools - Troy Sivan [Jungkook & RM cover]

[A/N - Part two of the last chapter. To read without any grammatical errors + reworded parts, go to TinyBangtanScrub on ao3 >]

And so be it.

Jungkook and Jimin weren't on friendly terms and it kinda sort of fucked with his head. He really missed being Jimin's friend, god, he couldn't believe that he fucked it up all because he was petty over some love confession that went down hill. Deep down he knows it's not Jimin's fault, that he should take partial blame, but his feelings won't let him see otherwise, it's like whatever spell Jimin casted was blown away because he felt humiliated and masked.

That was until they went on a school trip to the amusement park and Jimin was looking like a fucking snack.

Sure, say he's disrespecting himself but he could give less of a shit. So Jungkook just got into his group of friends and every now and then would peer over his shoulders to see if he could get a glimpse of the blonde haired. But he wasn't anywhere to be found, and the day continued like that for a while. No Park Jimin meant a grumpier and more distracted version of Jeon Jungkook. "Come on, you said you'd be happier without him." Hoseok rests his palm on his forehead. "I don't like the way we ended things." Jungkook groans and looks up to meet Hoseok piercing gaze. "You didn't have anything to begin with." Jungkook is in awestruck because they both had their bro codes: don't be a dick when someone gets rejected.

"I'm talking about our friendship dipshit." The younger boy scoffs, Hoseok pushes Jungkook the nastiest look. "I'd hardly call staring and stuttering a friendship, but whatever makes your dick work at night." The slightly smaller teenager is outraged, "Yeah, because you and Yoongi are so on fucking terms." They both stop walking and Hoseok looks around to see if anyone has heard. "You're such a little bitch, you know that? I trust you with something important that I don't tell anyone else and you go off screaming it in public." Jung squalls, "Sorry, I forgot your sensitive hypocritical cunt."

Good way fuck up two friendships, kook.

"How am I hypocritical?" The dancer's nostrils are flaring, Jungkook just wants Hoseok to stop being such a fucking moron. "How aren't you a hypocrite? You talk big about me exposing your 'sensitive' topics, but when it comes to you, it's some personal shit that the school ends up finding out, I'm just your second handed toy, not your best friend." Jungkook isn't one with words, but right now, it's truly how he feels.

Hoseok tended to be hurtful. He would say upsetting things and then  pass them off as silly jokes afterwards, he'd always be the last choice for Hoseok when they were out with other friends. Jungkook wasn't sure why he trusted and loved Hoseok so much, but he did. He knew it wasn't all Hoseok's fault, he knew that he could be complete twat too.

"I don't say shit about the things you tell me!"

"There's a reason Kim Taehyung hates me you motherfucker!"

"Hey, Hey! Are you guys seriously doing this at an amusement park?" It's Min Yoongi, the two spitting boys look to their left and both nearly scream when they see the boys they were just fighting about. Hoseok clears his voice and adjusts his collar. "Hey, let's go on a ride guys." Jimin tries to lighten the mood, but Jungkook looks back at his best friend for help. Hoseok is just as in shock as he is, "Sure." Jung grins tooth fully at Yoongi and Yoongi can't help but smile back. Jung Hoseok is officially dead to him. So while their walking and deciding what ride their going to go on Jungkook falls behind and thinks of all the times he's fucked up in his short thirteen years.

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