Above Pride [It's Only Me]

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Be sure to listen to this lovely piano remix with headphone(recommend) :^)


Song: -Trilogy [Most Beautiful Moments In Life] Remix- (Piano)

Made By: Unknown

Rating(?): 8/10 :))))


From my Archiveofourown-

— Based off of Run Ep. 11 —

Yoonji, the new student that literally came into the small classroom two seconds ago. Unable to think—the boys feel a glimps of hope from the sudden burst of excitement. It's not the fact that she's a girl—just that it was different. Yes, Jungkook could keep in mind that he had no clue who this (probably older) young lady was, and could be stressing the hell out of him; but Jungkook chose the steady path of keeping it safe.

The classroom is silent for about three minutes before the slightest creek behind Jungkook through him off guard.

Yoonji raises her hand, but before the lone girl can ask her question Namjoon scoots his belongings to the left just to sit next to the fairly uncomfortable lady. "You're really pretty." The wilting of Yoonji's tie makes her choke as she scoffs a little before relying; "Thank you." With thin lips she continues to listen to the (pestering) rants of Kim Namjoon. "You should go back to you're studies." After a sigh, she sends away the noisy teen at the snap of her fingers.

Her words are still too fast for Namjoon to process easily—dumbfounded; a few seconds pass by before his thoughts are interrupted by a especially defensive Taehyung. "I-I'm Sorry." Namjoon suddenly nods—sadly moving away as Taehyung is quick to replace him.

"I'm Taehyung," Tae felt his eyes water at scene. She gives a ghost smile before raising her eyes brows. "Oh, I haven't noticed." Her chin perfectly aligned with the length of hair. Yoonji taps impatiently quickly rubbing her ankles. "Are you okay?" Taehyung asks, feeling concerned at the moment—if not obvious enough.

"Yes." She finishes with a sigh.

"Just go back to your seat, Kim." Jungkook directs. Hyung, Taehyung wants to snort.

Jimin softly smiles at Yoonji, who has no seems of being impressed. Jimin's fluffy hair makes Jungkook want to kill the boy for being so pretty. How he can only dream to have a smile like Jimin's, just to make people think he cares more than it seems.


Jungkook unbuttons his jacket in atempt of becoming helpful. "Your shirt." She orders, but the boy only refuses and takes off his shoes otherwise. The girl smirks throwing the uniform on the ground. Jungkook procceds fo take a seat and throws a few lunch pales along with a fork. "Can't get you have a cold," he say smoothly then passing a heating packet.

"Though, you give the girl you just met a heating pack and your jacket when it's -5 degrees—couldn't agree anymore." Jungkook rubs his temples and hides his snicker. A loud mournful boy asks Yoonji if she was willing to hear his so-call poem. "Sure," A shrug is all Hoseok needs to let tears weld up up in his (already) glassy eyes. Yoonji sighs and lets the younger continue in need for a toilet. That or something to just fucking piss in. Because fuck—could this classroom get any straighter?

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