Smile For Me [Park Jimin]

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Authors Note: Not requested just had the idea.

Music I used: Best of Me/The Truth Untold - Piano Remix




Jimin feels the heavy weight on his bladder, everything is falling apart by now. He stares out hoping that something will distract him, but nothing seems to help. His legs are quivering out of the cars bumpy roads that were most definitely not helping. He sat alone in the back which h was almost more than happy for.

It's when Jungkook begins to pick on Jimin about his height once again that tears spring in his eyes. Taehyung gasps and begins to scold Jungkook. "What the hell—Jiminie he didn't mean it!" Taehyung goes to the back to hug the now crying boy. Jimin only shake his head, hiding his face with his hands. Taehyung lurches back to the front thinking that Jimin just was having a bad day and needed to be alone.

Jimin wants to thank Tashyung but is barely able to breathe. His bladder is so full that it hurts, it hurts to the point he's so close to having an accident. "I'm sorry, hyung," Jungkook apologizes after multiple glares from the other members. Jimin leans back trying to find the words in his mind. "I-It's not your fault...I-I just don't feel good." At all.

"Do we need to stop?" Yes, but instead a sigh of refusement is placed as PD-mins answer.

Why didn't he just use the restroom at the studio?


-Vocal Lessons


-Vocal Lessons


Each moment counted, a break seemed too ignorant, he had plenty to work on, and it wouldn't change a thing if he continued to slack—but the only one who choose to believe that was himself. He couldn't care less I he needed to use a restroom urgently, but it became a problem after it became distracting; few member took notice on this and urged him to rest, yet he complied a simple smile. Although, in time—he found himself desperate, almost exerting his need. Sweat dripping upon him brought him to think he could just sweat it out. Yet, openly, he knew he couldn't sweat out what was already waste.

Jimin continued to rub his thigh, knowing it wouldn't do him any good. Jimin doesn't remember the last time he used the restroom, as crazy as it sounded he hasn't urinated in at least fourteen hours. And now, he had to go. He really did, "I gotta go." He pants out, legs squeezing his flushed cock that dribbled with yellow liquid. "Go where Jimin-ah?" Yoongi scuffles, feeling a hint of concern for the younger. "I need somewhere to relieve myself." He speaks in a more contained manner, but it's scribbled and said poorly.

"It's that bad, huh?" The staff say, and he nods. "We're pulling up at a gas station in a minute, just stay calm and relax." The manger shouts back at Jimin. Tears are flowing down his face and every second is getting worse and worse as he gasps for air like a fish out of water. His hand grip the sides of the vehicle as is slows to a complete stop. Even then the thought of a toilet makes everything in his body tense up, liquid is pouring from him and he stops in blindly. A slight glisten can be seen from his dark pants. He exits and a restroom key is handed to him in less than thirty seconds. He walks ever-so-slowly to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. He nearly losses it.

"I can't, I can't!" His fingers fiddle with the zipper and they get more and more easily soaked with the hot fluid. A strange puddle is being formed before he can whip himself out. It jets into the toilet, and last for what seems forever. He lost it, he totally lost it! It looked as if he really did have a complete accident. He washes his hands and feels a painful sting in his throat. The key is handed to the manger and the man tells him there was a towel in the car that he could sit on. "But I made it." He wants to say, but if he said anything he'd sob in despair.

The other member are genuine and don't speak a word when they see his soaked jeans. He's grateful but felt absolutely humiliated. They arrive at the dorm and all is good when he takes a shower. Yoongi smiles at Jimin and says, "Jimin you're so adorable, please cheer up." Jimin blinks and gives a grin back. "Okay, Hyung." The man plops on his bed. Jungkook plops on as well, "Hi, Hyungie." Jungkook hums.

Jimin wishes to stay with these people his whole life. Their absolutely priceless.

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