Long Day's [Namjoon]

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Request by- electroblackwater Basically Namjoon doesn't get the chance to use the bathroom because everyone is bothering him. ψ(`∇')ψ

Music I used- Summertime Record - JubyPhonic (cover)

Namjoon sprawls against his covers - in depth with each feeling surrounding his thick scull. Needless to say, he was feeling restless. The sun easily made him want to fall back into slumber–but that was quickly taken away from him as a sharp knock echoed across the small room. "Namjoon-hyung, can you run to the store to get me a toothbrush?" Namjoon groans, "Yeah, just let me–" Hoseok whimpered. "Please? I need it desperately." Namjoon didn't understand why Hoseok did just use gum and go himself, but he didn't question the younger and complied. He quickly got up; forgetting the bathroom and changing before grabbing his phone and heading off. No shower was need, after all—he was only going to do one simple task...right?

He payed for the dollar toothbrush and was about to head home before he got a call, hearing a some-what annoyed Seokjin. "Namjoon-ah, you're outside right? Thank god, could you please get my medication? My anxiety is killing me." Namjoon couldn't resist, he didn't want to face an emotional Kim Seokjin, so again; he agreed. When the boys needed medication, they usually got it by a company that was private, they didn't go out in public by themselves often, so in days like these it was easier to pick it up by a smaller association.

It was already 10:32 by the time Namjoon got out. He had stuffed the tooth brush and medication in his large coat, the face was covered with a face mask and tinted glasses. Namjoon wanted to get home as soon as soon as possible, his bladder was already feeling uncomfortably full. He has to stop once in a while and bend down to keep in the urine. It when he gets to the dorm that everyone is pushing him around. As soon as he hands over the orders medicine, and the younger's toothbrush Jungkook begs Namjoon to listen to his recording.

"Hyung! Just in time, could you maybe listen to something I wrote?" Namjoon knew for a fact it would be rude to excuse himself to the bathroom before listening to someone so adorable. So he took the chances, and sat for a full painful thirty minutes bringing the most beautiful music to his ears. Jungkoook thanks Namjoon and looks grateful, Namjoon can't help but give a weak smile.

Kim Taehyung.

The boy comes in with his phone recording a V-live. "Hyung say hello!" Namjoon shoots a heart at the camera. A thin layer of sweat covers his forehead, his face seems pale and Taehyung unfortunately comments. "Hyung, you okay? You don't look so well." Namjoon just acts surprised. "I just went out, guess I'm a little tired." Taehyung nods in appreciation, knowing that there were much more tiring things the man did than walking a few blocks. "Oh, get some rest then, maybe you'll feel better." Finally I can go to the—

"Namjoon! Come here for a second!" Yoongi calls from his room. The younger feels like breaking his phone in half, but his body is too busy being drenched in sweat and straining so he doesn't piss himself. Even if Namjoon wanted to, he could see the only bathroom in the dorm occupied as he makes his way to Yoongi's room. He says nothing and stares at the older. "What does this mean?" It's an English comment on one of their interviews in past week. "The members are overworking, they must take a break. I hope they read this!" Namjoon read aloud, and Yoongi briefly smiles. He obviously needed that. "What's wrong with you?" Yoongi questions the fidgeting leader matter-of-factly. "Nothing, just really need some sleep." It's not a complete lie, he hasn't gotten more than five hours of sleep in at least two weeks. Although, the urine stored inside him is much more intense than the lack of sleep.

"Go take a nap, then" Yoongi shrugs. Namjoon sighs and walks off. That's fucking it. He's about to piss outside. Piss is already staining his briefs, and are painfully making its way to his sweat pants. "Hyung, can you please–" that's when Namjoon looses it. He begins to hyperventilate but Jimin is quick to rub his back. The fluid runs down his legs, quickly soaking his underwear. The sweat pants absorbed a good amount of the liquid, but soon it makes a puddle on the ground. He's so humiliated, he doesn't usually cry for things like this but he can feel himself slowly crumbling and letting tears drop from his face. "Hey," Jimin urges sympathetically. "Its gonna be okay, you don't need to cry." Jimin gives a huge smile, hoping to calm Namjoon down. The leader felt so defeated.

"I don't know where to start—" Jimin quickly cuts him off. "You don't need to explain yourself, I'm sure you have your own reasons. It's just, you looks so afraid. Why not take a warm shower and then get some sleep?"

Sleep sounded amazing.


A/N- I definitely feel like I could add more, but I just didn't want to break another promise. I love you guys a lot and just want you all to know that :( writing makes me happy, I hope my writing make you happy. I like making others happy, makes me feel happy :D

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