It's All Kinda Okay [Min Yoongi]

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Oh jeez, I didn't think so many people liked my stories. So it's settled first one will be a Yoongi one. Ive done an elevator one before so I wasn't so sure, then I saw a one that looked very interesting.

Prompt: Yoongi falls asleep needing the restroom, he didn't realize Jungkook and Taehyung were doing a vlive.


Yoongi lazily plops to the couch, he's drained from this weeks rehearsal and just wants to sleep. So he does, he plugs in some earphones and can feel himself slowly drifting into paradise. There's a distinct darkness and peacefulness—like a storm is forming with droplets of control. Each second is remorseless, the feeling of getting away and in such comfort couldn't surpass anything. Yet, he hates it, he hates that something always has to ruin it. He feels the discomfort in his lower stomach and groans in his dreams, so he runs, and runs on the thin clouds looking for somewhere to relive himself. After hours of running it seems like he can't find a thing, his stomach is bulging and the need in unbearable, so he gives up. He drops to the clouds and just before he lets go, noise shutters down like lightning and his eyes blink open.

"Sorry Hyung, didn't mean to wake you." A camera is held in Jungkook's left arm, while a shattered plate is in the other. Taehyung gives a long sigh before helping the younger clean up the mess. Yoongi is in shock, urine is dripping from his soft cock as his face run pale.

He can't hold it anymore, he wants to run the restroom—which is in hind-sight, but his bladder doesn't cope with it. The urine leaks to the floor and explodes. The liquid stains the couch and his boy tight jeans. Yoongi gasps in relinquished. The hissing grows louder and he puts his hands to his face. Everything would be seen, he was exposed in front of thousands of fans.

Boy was this going to be hard to explain to the manager.

The camera was quick to be shut off by slippery hands. "Hyung, are you alright?" Jimin asks awkwardly, and Yoongi nods. "I-I" his hands are still glued to his face, and Taehyung looks away. "Hyung, why don't you go take a shower before any staff or members find out?" Yoongi runs off and the mess isn't that bad compared to others.

So they clean it without a word.


I'm sincerely sorry that it was so short, I really am! But I haven't been doing so well and this is all my find could fry up. I love you guys a lot I'm so motivated by you! Thanks a lot I'll do everything I can to write the next request longer and much faster.

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