this js just funny

15 1 7

i'm not supposed to be on my phone rn but i'm in spanish class and we had to learn names in our row of seats and the guy in front of me was like "i'm so-n-so" and i was like "i'm victoria" and he looks at the girl behind me and just "i know your name. already."

and she just "well i don't know yours, how do you know mine?"

and he said "b-because i remember girls who are pretty's name"

which was smooth af

but she didn't hear him ?????

so she just "what?" and he hesitated and just "i sat behind you earlier and you introduced yourself."

and she nodded and was like "oooohh yeah, true, true."

and i was trying so hard not to laugH and just said "she totally ignored that first line" and he laughed and said "yea she didn't get it"

and he's been like eyeing her and stuff and i'm laughing cuz she ignored hiS PICKUP LINe it was funny

k bye

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