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hey long time no see

I HAD A DREAM where i was married to a guy
idk who he was but he was really thin and lowkey a loser but i didn't care and he couldn't sleep so he makes these alcoholic drinks to fall asleep and i was awake in my house with my mother in the kitchen and my husband gets out of bed and is like "hey" and he goes to make a drink.

and i respond with "can't sleep?"

and he's all "yeah." and he makes this NASTY looking whiskey thing and i'm just like "o baby no"

so i walk up to him and i'm like "baby why don't you go shower and relax and i'll make you a drink"

and he's like "no it's fine, you go to bed" and i'm rubbing his back and i feel sorry for him and i'm just

"honey please go shower and i'll make you something if you really want a drink"

and he sighs and i kiss his head and he goes to the bedroom to shower (cuz it's a master bedroom i guess)

and i ask my mom "ok how do i make a drink" and she's all distracted by watching jenna marbles and i'm like bugging her with the "moM HOW DO I MAke a drInK?!"

and then i heard, like, a painful scream/shout type noise from my husband
so i run to the room and he's holding his back as he's bent over. it looked like he tried to take off his shirt but had trouble

so i went in and rubbed his back and was like "are you okay honey?" and in my mind i was thinking how often does this happen to him

then i lift his shirt to look at his back and he has huge scars on it. like burns, almost. and i just stare at it and wonder how it got there and walked away

i didn't ask cuz i remembered that i'm his wife and should just know these things so i was like "maybe i shouldn't ask" so i didn't and went back to the kitchen to make his drink

then i awoke

BUT ITS LIKE i know this dream came from me watching the walking dead last night because that loser of a man Eugene couldn't sleep because he's been doing bad things with Nighan and he's upset so he takes a shot to help fall asleep

and i was thinking while watching it "damn eugene is really sad that sucks i feel bad" and my mom while watching w me was like "EUGENE IS A LOSER WHO NEEDS TO DIE OR GET HIS SHIT TOGETHER BECAUDE HE KEEPS HELPING NIGHAN IN ORDER TO KEEP HIMSELF ALIVE HE IS JUST SELFISH AND I HATE HIM SO MUCH" and yeah that's the origin of my dream pip pip cheerio have a good day

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