Part 9

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Days passed... All the things went normal... I talked with Abhishek a lot and tried to share his pain... we gave so many treatments to him... he was facing for them calmly... I was so happy as he is fine... his behaviours became normal... I was somewhat success in making him normal... now I needed to make him free from his all guiltys and distract his thoughts from past...

By talking with him and by the diary I found now he is sad because of losing his ma... he was thinking that he is the reason for his ma's death... didn't he know his ma was suffering from a cancer till now... may be doctor Purab didn't tell as it will make him another more sad...

Atlast I got an idea how to make his mind busy with something else and distract his mind from past... I asked him to complete his degree... first he was not ready... but when I said his ma's wish was to see him become topper from exams... he looked at me as is that true... why didn't he got it by reading diary... maybe he couldn't read diary properly with sadness... after convincing him a lot and saying my wish too to see him in a good position he became somewhat fine with my idea... but still we couldn't discharge him as we were not sure how his past was haunting him now too... but my idea gave a hope to his life...

I discussed about this with doctor Purab and make arrangements for him to start his studies from August... doctor Purab too agreed with my idea... I was so happy thinking soon he will be normal and get discharged...

But all my happiness flew away that day seeing him like that... did  his past still bothering him... yeah may be... how can he forget his past that easily... why did I think like that...


Pragya sighed remembering that day... how much pain he was going through... my innocent Abhishek... I don't know how he went through such big pain... how much that feelings hurt him... but I never thought to see such behaviour from him after lot of treatments... I felt huge pain that day... not because of the injury... because of thinking he is still suffering from pain of bitter past...

Pragya look at her left hand which has a small scar mark due to an injury...
Now also if he see this his eyes getting welled up with tears...


I thought he was completely okay and I could make him discharge soon... but I forgot still I have to be alert of him... I forgot about that day... which made him all alone in his own world...

July 30th...
Actually I forgot... as Abhishek was well I didn't think a little that again he will face for such behaviour...

Morning I woke up with a sudden jerk... seeing a dream... first I was wondering why I got such kind of dream suddenly... but next second everything came to my mind... I jumped out of the bed to get ready as fast as possible to go to hospital soon...

I went to Abhishek's room... whole room is a mess... where is this preethu... anyway where is Abhishek... where have he gone...
I felt scared thinking is any bad thing happened... did he get any memories again... whether he eloped from hospital... no way security are there... then where is he...

Wait what's that sound behind the cupboard... I rushed towards the cupboard... all the things were scattered on floor... but I didn't mind for them... my only target was to find Abhishek...

Yes he was there... my heart stopped for a while seeing him like this... he was in total mess... his hand was bleeding... I can see some glass pieces near him... he was huffing and panting like he ran for a marathon... I screamed...

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