Falling Princess.

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She never knew why but Regina always loved the sky before a storm. The winds, dark gathering clouds, and the sound of thunder were livelier for her than a sunny day.

Regina, with her heart pounding like a drummer on caffeine, clung to the branch for dear life. The wind whipped through her hair like a mischievous sprite, tugging at her clothes as if urging her to join the dance of the storm.

"Well, this is just peachy," she muttered to herself, her voice barely audible over the roaring winds. "Just what I needed, a skydiving lesson without a parachute."

She glanced down, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever had caused the disturbance below. All she could see was a flurry of leaves and branches, nature's chaotic ballet.

"Note to self," she yelled into the wind, "next time you decide to play tree-top lookout, bring binoculars!"

With a groan, she twisted and contorted her body, straining to catch a glimpse of the commotion below. Finally, she managed to catch sight of a squirrel, scampering about as if it had just discovered a hidden treasure trove of acorns.

Regina rolled her eyes. "Seriously? All this fuss over a nut?"

Junie as her grandmother calls was a godsend. When Raphael and Andrea conceived their first child at the age of 40, it was nothing but a happy surprise for them, she was their miracle child.

Even as a child she was promising. The beautiful almond eyes held innocence but a grave fierceness. Her flesh unblemished creamy, the heart-shaped face curtained with dark locks. All in all her beauty was unearthly.

But she was not concern about anything. She loves to roam around in the forest, go for hikes in the mountains. most of her free days were spent with her grandmother listening to the stories of Gods and Monsters or while helping her mom back on their vegetable farm. Being homeschooled by her parents, she did not have many friends.

Today was one of those days, she was free and a storm was approaching. June was sitting on one of the highest branches waiting for the thunder to strike. It was almost magical how she knew about the timing of storms. The view from the top of the tree was majestic, the still lake below was reflecting the forest like some mirror world. It was breathtaking.

Even as ten summers old, June knew she cannot share this with anyone else. People were afraid of different and unknown. And even she did not know what it was, so it was better not to share.

For anyone else, it was like every other day dusk approaching but only she can see the storm gathering at the edge of the mountain. The winds were angry and harsh like feeding on someone's anger. Though she was late she didn't want to go home without watching the first lightning crack.

Sitting atop her leafy throne, June marveled at the beauty unfolding before her. The dark clouds roiled overhead, casting eerie shadows on the still waters below. She felt a surge of electricity in the air, the promise of lightning dancing across the sky.

"Just one more crack of thunder before I go," June whispered to the wind, her eyes alight with anticipation.

But fate had other plans. As June leaned forward to catch a glimpse of the storm brewing below, a sudden gust of wind sent her teetering on the edge of her perch. Her heart raced as she grasped for the nearest branch, her fingers slipping on the wet bark.

"Whoa, easy there, Junebug!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with equal parts fear and excitement. "Looks like I'm in for a wild ride!"

With a whoop of laughter, June surrendered to the chaos of the storm, embracing the thrill of the unknown. For even in the face of danger, she knew that adventure awaited just beyond the next thunderclap.

Suddenly there was a rustle below her tree. From where she sat it was difficult to see what was happening. her small hand was not long enough to reach the strong branches that were further away. She had lightly placed her feet on the slippery weak branch when the thunder broke out.

As her mind was elsewhere, the sound of thunder caught her off-guard and she can feel herself slipping from her safe haven.


Ya, so a new chapter. Sorry for the delay.....Vote and Comment.

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