Game 2: Brave

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Now you know the origin of Ex-Aid, the first gamer to enter the stage. All that leaves is three more players. Fortunately, this is the story of our second player.

Game Stop
3:30 pm

A kid with blonde hair is looking at the games on the shelf. He is wearing a blue distressed jacket and
black jeans with a white sweater underneath
and white vans.
He seems to be unaware of his surroundings.

Worker 1: How long has he been there?

Worker 2: For like 3 hours now.

Worker 1: Damn.
For that long?

Worker 2: Yup.

Worker 1: These games aren't even that interesting. Should we say something?

Worker 2: I wouldn't.
You'd be wasting your time anyway.

The kid reaches up and grabs Destiny 2 and Persona 5. He walks up to the counter.

??: I would like to purchase these 2 games please.

Workers 1 and 2: (He finally bought something.
Now he can leave.)

15 minutes later

The kid waits for the R train at the subway.
He is scrolling through his Instagram feed and
notices someone calling him.

Bystander: Oh my god!
Aren't you Zachary King!?

Zachary: Hm? And if I am?

Bystander: Holy crap! I'm your biggest fan dude!!
I always watch your streams and no lie,
you're funny as hell man.
You don't mind if I ask for some tips about streaming?

Zachary: Yeah.
I'll even mentor you myself.

Bystander: Forreal? You ain't gotta do all that!
This is the best day of my life!

Zachary: Glad I was able to make your day dude.

The R train comes.

Zachary: Our train is here. Come on.

Bystander: Awesome!
I have so many questions to ask!

Zachary: And I have so many answers to give.

1 hour later

Zachary arrives home. He takes off his sneakers and walks around the house, only to find out that no one is home.

Zachary: Oh yeah. He's at work.
Be careful old man.

Zachary heads upstairs and goes into his room.
He looks at the box that was mailed to him 6 days ago.

Zachary: I was finally chosen huh? About time. Thought it was gonna take forever.

Zachary's phone vibrates.

Zachary: Hm? Who could that be? *picks up phone, checks notification* It's from Genm. Why are they texting me?

He reads the message in his head.

"Used the driver yet? I'm here to congratulate you once again on accepting this task as a Neo-Kamen Rider. There's no turning back. Once you receive the driver, there's no giving it back. Plus, you already took the test and have proven to be compatible with the driver, so you couldn't turn back even if you wanted to GYEHEHEEEE!!!! I hope you don't disappoint me or the rest of the world Zachary King."

Zachary: (Was it necessary to type the laugh?)
No turning back huh? Not like I wanted to anyway.
If I remember what they told me the last time,
I was the second Rider to be chosen.
If I got this 6 days ago, that must mean
this Nathan guy has already used his driver. Bet. (Tomorrow I'm gonna have to find this Chloe chick then.) What time is it anyway?
*looks at time on phone* I have enough time.
I might as well stream.

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