Game 3: Snipe

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JFK Airport
6:35 pm

A gentleman with black hair walks out the door with a gray suitcase in one hand and a black briefcase in another. He notices a man standing by a black car, holding up a sign that says "Walsh" on it.

Mr. Walsh: Hm? Guess that's my ride.
(It's finally time.)

Mr. Walsh walks toward the car where the man from before opens the door, indicating for him to enter.
Mr. Walsh enters the car and the driver takes off.
20 minutes later, the driver starts the conversation with Mr. Walsh who stares out the window.

Driver: Well Mr. Walsh,
what brings you here to New York?

Mr. Walsh: For the last time Walter,
you don't have to be so formal with me,
just call me Roe and you know what I'm here for.

Walter: Of course I was just teasing you.
*old man giggle, looks at rear view mirror*
So inside that black case..

Roe: Yes. It's time. I've been training for this day.
It's what my mother would've wanted.

Walter: Yes indeed. Your mother was a nice woman,
so kind and sweet to everyone she met,
even a complete stranger like myself.
She has done so much for me and given me so many opportunities in life. I will forever be grateful.

Roe: *smiles* I see. (As grateful as always.)
How is everything here?

Walter: Everything is going fine.
Ex-Aid and Brave are already on the move.

Roe: (So Zachary and Nathan got their drivers before me it seems.) Very well. That's good news.
Glad to know the plan is walking towards its first phase.

Walter: Yes indeed. You four have trained for 3 years and proven yourselves to be humanity's next saviors. Don't disappoint. Then again, you never have disappointed anyone from the start.
I just hope you work well with these people.

Roe: I suppose. *looks out the window*
(As long as they don't stand in my way, then there shouldn't be any problems.)

Next Day

Jamaica Avenue
1:25 pm

Basara: *munches* What the hell was up with Zacky boii yesterday?

Chloe: *scrolling through social media, sighs*
It's a long story.

Basara: *munches on burrito* We got time now,
so spill the beannnns. Heheheh, beans.
*munches some more*

Chloe: I knew you were going to say that.
Remember how I said that four people were tested to become riders?

Basara: Mmhmmmm..

Chloe: Along with Zachary, the third rider,
the guy you're looking for, passed as well.
However, he wasn't tested around the same time as everyone else. He was recommended by Dan Kuroto himself to test him.

Basara: He wasn't? So why did you say he was? *munch*

Chloe: I don't know, but I kinda messed up. I asked him what should I say when someone asks me and he said it didn't matter to him. For some reason, Zachary heard me from outside and wasn't happy about it, but he couldn't do anything cuz by the time he found out the truth, it was the last day for gashats to be activated.

Basara: I see. So Zacky boii is mad cuz homeboy got special treatment while the rest of them had to be tested and experimented on like lab rats?

Chloe: Yeah. The thing that Zachary doesn't know is that Dan Kuroto's test was way more advanced for Roe compared to the rest. It's just that at a young age, Zachary wasn't ready at the time.

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