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The truth? The truth is I like you, a lot
You make me happy, you make me laugh,
Your funny, smart and different to the others, your a little bit crazy and awkward, and your smile alone can make my day.


I like him but he likes her...


There's a different between:

•Thinking someone is cute

•having a crush on someone

•being interested in someone

•loving someone

•and being in love


I wanna write "I miss you" on a rock and throw it at your face so you know how much it hurts to miss you...


I want to be the reason you look down and smile at your phone...
Then walk into a pole.


Every time she laughs

She hopes that he's watching

Hoping the he will

Fall for her smile

Just as hard

As she fell for his


I like him I like him a lot and I can't stop thinking about him his smile , his laugh
And his jokes, but I feel so pathetic... just laying here... thinking about him especially when I know he never thinks about me or will ever have feelings for me...


                     True pain
Is like when you look into the eyes of someone you love and they look away.
                       It hurts


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