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Girl: what's the first thing you notice when you look at another girl?

Boy: that it's not you.


Person 1: Can you be mine?

Person 2: no

Person 1: did you understand what I just said?

Person 2: yes

Person 1: then repeat it.

Person 2: can you be mine?

Person 1: oh yeah sure why not!


P1: how many letters are in the alphabet?

P2: 26 why?

P1: eh? I though there was 21

P2: nope! 26

P1: oh I must of missed u r a q t

(I know iv already used that term before buuuuut like, I think it's still cute T^T
Soo mmmm *pokes tongues out*


I want to wrap you in my arms
Like a warm burrito

(Haha lol)


(Say this one on a hot day)
What do you and the weather have in common?
Your both hot.


Hey you can put your Armin  my
Jeans any time

(AOT. Attack on titans pick up line)


Ily: I love you

Ilysm: I love you so much

Don't lecture me Obi-wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, justice, freedom and security to my new empire.


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