9. The Comeback

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"It's been a while..." Adam muttered to himself as he zoomed out onto the track.  Adam began to notice the loud cheering of the fans as he drove by. All the tension Adam was experiencing immediately disappeared as he waved towards the wild supporters.

 All the tension Adam was experiencing immediately disappeared as he waved towards the wild supporters

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It definitely gave Adam the confidence boost. Thus, crossing the start/finish straight, Adam pushed the car for the first time since Hungary.
He would be lying if he said it didn't hurt when the g-force pushed him around inside the cockpit, especially when going up the famous Eau Rouge corner.

"Arghh... It's just a bit of pain. It could be worse." Adam muttered to himself as he flew past the Kemmel straight like a bullet.

Enduring the pain through the high speed corners of Spa, Adam finally crossed the line. "Good job, Adam. Currently fastest in the session." Fabián reported.

"Ah, good, good. I may have to pit in like, now?" Adam asked.

"Sure, mate. Box this lap..." Fabián replied.

As the mechanics pushed the car back into the garage, Adam immediately unbuckled his seat belts and carefully hopped out of the car. Without removing his helmet or gloves, he rushed to the back of the garage heading to his changing room.

Emilia in the pit wall removed her headphones and crossed over to the garage and chased after him. Adam slammed the door shut as he then unzipped his racing suit.

He unbuckled his rib protector and removed his fireproof top to reveal the bruises on his torso, a painful reminder of the incident in Budapest.

"Shitttt... ooww!" Adam mouthed to himself.

Emilia the slowly opened the door. "Are you okay?" She asked, worried.

"Yeah, of course. Just checking..." Adam replied as he pointed to the bruise.

"Adam... you shouldn't do this." Emilia persisted.

"Please, stop that, Emilia. I want to do this. Nothing's stopping me. This matters a lot to me! " Adam replied frustrated.

"You matter to me, Adam. Please... I can't bear to watch you suffer." She continued. Adam had zipped up his racing suit and picked his helmet up.

"I'm sorry, Emilia. I'm gonna do it. I must... Not you, Fabián or anyone else is gonna stop me." He left the room, planning to get back onto the track to clock a couple more laps in. Emilia let out a huge sigh as she watched him head towards the garage.

The practice session ended with Adam dropping to P2 as Antonio Giovinazzi claimed the first position. After the driver's debrief, Alexander approached Adam. "Hey, how you feelin'?" He inquired.

"Still tryna' manage the bruises all over my body. These are gonna kill me during race day, man." Adam replied.

"Hmm... actually, I know someone who could help you with that." Alex replied.

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