Chapter 1: Groups

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The room buzzed with chatter. 

"Ooh, I'm just so excited!" Usagi bounced up and down in her seat, her red hair flying everywhere.

"I hope we all get in the same group..." I crossed my fingers.

"What if we're all separated?" Aoi asked nervously. 

"I never should have come to school today!" Nebbia covered his face with his hands.

"We don't understand why you guys're freaking out so much. Whatever happens happens." The twins chime in unison.

"You're just saying that because you two got special permission to be in the same group." Aoi pouted.

"You did? No fair!" I pouted along with him.

"Okay, okay. Quiet down now, everyone." Our homeroom teacher marched in, but no one really cared. Everyone was so excited and nervous, after all, today is the day we'll be meeting our mission group members. The people we'll be working with for the rest of our lives here at Light Academy. Our teacher sighed and dropped the sheets she was holding onto her desk.

"I could always not tell you anything now and postpone this event to tomorrow. Or maybe even next week." As soon as we heard those words, the room fell silent. 

"That's better. Before I announce the groups, I should explain some things. After today, attending classes on a regular basis is no longer mandatory." She started. Her words caused another uproar. 

"Sush, I haven't finished yet!" She called the class together once again. "When I say classes are no longer mandatory, that doesn't mean you're never coming to school again. It means, you'll be having two major exams every year, and deciding whether or not to show up to learn the material is your choice. As long as you pass those two and successfully complete the mandatory amount of missions, you're fine. Us teachers will still be here, so we recommend coming in for classes as often as possible." She clears her throat. I can tell instantly that the twins won't be coming to school again, maybe for months, if they don't have to. Usagi and I will have to drag them out of bed to bring them here every morning. That's right, I want to go to school even if I don't have to. I've got to keep my grades up, after all I am the Student Council Vice-President. Aoi has always been the Student Council President, but we never had a vice because no one else wanted the responsibility or the work. So I kind of just got in without having to try. 

"You all know how this works, right? We have twenty-three students in the class. That means you will be in one of three groups. These groups will consist of seven or eight people. Alright, I know you're dying to know your groups, so here they are." She sifted through the sheets.

She's gonna announce them, she really is! Oooh! Please, let me be in a group with at least some of my friends. Please please please ! It's not like I don't want to make new friends, it's just nice to know I'll be working alongside someone I'm comfortable with.

I listened. 


And listened.


"That's the first group. Onto the second one."

I listened.


And listened.


"And now the last group." She sifted through her sheets again. Wait... is this really happening? Omigosh... I think it is! 

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